When translating a document name to a url path segment the following rules are used:
All rules and translation tables are applied, not just the first matching rule. So if a rule indicates that a character is converted into a space, and another rule specifies that spaces are converted to hyphens, than the character is converted into a hyphen
The following translation tables for printable characters are used:
table 1: special handling of some regular printable characters ! removed " removed # removed $ usd % removed & removed ' removed ( removed ) removed * converted into space + converted into space , removed - converted into hyphen . removed / converted into hyphen : converted into space ; converted into space < removed = converted into hyphen > removed ? removed @ -at- { removed | converted into hyphen } removed ~ converted into hyphen
table 2: ISO 8859-1 special characters ¡ removed ¢ ct £ gbp ¤ removed ¥ yen ¦ - § removed ¨ removed © removed ª removed « removed ¬ removed - ® removed ¯ - ° removed ± - ² removed ³ removed ´ removed µ removed ¶ removed · removed ¸ removed ¹ removed º removed » removed ¼ removed ½ removed ¾ removed Ð d Ø o Ù u Ú u Û u Ü u Ý y Þ y ß ss à a á a â a ã a ä a å a æ ae ç c è e é e ê e ë e ì i í i î i ï i ð d ñ n ò o ó o ô o õ o ö o ÷ removed ø o ù u ú u û u ü u ý u þ y ÿ y
table 3: translation of Unicode characters above 0xc200 c2a1 removed c2a2 ct c2a3 gbp c2a4 removed c2a5 yen c2a6 removed c2a7 removed c2a8 removed c2a9 removed c2aa removed c2ab removed c2ac removed c2ad - c2ae removed c2af - c2b0 removed c2b1 removed c2b2 removed c2b3 removed c2b4 removed c2b5 removed c2b6 removed c2b7 removed c2b8 removed c2b9 removed c2ba removed c2bb removed c2bc removed c2bd removed c2be removed c2bf removed c380 a c381 a c382 a c383 a c384 a c385 a c386 ae c387 c c388 e c389 e c38a e c38b e c38c i c38d i c38e i c38f i c390 d c391 n c392 o c393 o c394 o c395 o c396 o c397 x c398 o c399 u c39a u c39b u c39c u c39d y c39e y c39f ss c3a0 a c3a1 a c3a2 a c3a3 a c3a4 a c3a5 a c3a6 ae c3a7 c c3a8 e c3a9 e c3aa e c3ab e c3ac i c3ad i c3ae i c3af i c3b0 d c3b1 n c3b2 o c3b3 o c3b4 o c3b5 o c3b6 o c3b7 removed c3b8 o c3b9 u c3ba u c3bb u c3bc u c3bd y c3be y c3bf y