Interface HippoNode

  • All Superinterfaces:
    javax.jcr.Item, javax.jcr.Node

    public interface HippoNode
    extends javax.jcr.Node
    Any Node instance returned by any method of a Hippo Repostitory may be cast to the HippoNode interface to expose additional functionality.
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from interface javax.jcr.Node

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      javax.jcr.Node getCanonicalNode()
      Get the most accurate and complete version available of the information represented in the current node.
      String getDisplayName()
      Obtain a display name for this node.
      boolean isVirtual()
      Whether this is a virtual node or not.
      javax.jcr.NodeIterator pendingChanges()
      Conveniance method for pendingChanges("nt:base", false)
      javax.jcr.NodeIterator pendingChanges​(String nodeType)
      Conveniance method for pendingChanges(nodeType,false)
      javax.jcr.NodeIterator pendingChanges​(String nodeType, boolean prune)
      Obtains an iterator over the set of nodes that potentially contain changes, starting (and not including) this node.
      boolean recomputeDerivedData()
      Some operations may leave some nodes' derived data stale.
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.Item

        accept, getAncestor, getDepth, getName, getParent, getPath, getSession, isModified, isNew, isNode, isSame, refresh, remove, save
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.Node

        addMixin, addNode, addNode, canAddMixin, cancelMerge, checkin, checkout, doneMerge, followLifecycleTransition, getAllowedLifecycleTransistions, getBaseVersion, getCorrespondingNodePath, getDefinition, getIdentifier, getIndex, getLock, getMixinNodeTypes, getNode, getNodes, getNodes, getNodes, getPrimaryItem, getPrimaryNodeType, getProperties, getProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getReferences, getReferences, getSharedSet, getUUID, getVersionHistory, getWeakReferences, getWeakReferences, hasNode, hasNodes, hasProperties, hasProperty, holdsLock, isCheckedOut, isLocked, isNodeType, lock, merge, orderBefore, removeMixin, removeShare, removeSharedSet, restore, restore, restore, restoreByLabel, setPrimaryType, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, unlock, update
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayName

        String getDisplayName()
                       throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
        Obtain a display name for this node. If not available falls back on Item.getName(). If display name is available the result is the same as calling getProperty("hippo:name").getString(). If this node does not have a display name but is a child node of a hippo:handle node having a display name, the display name of the parent handle node will be returned.
        the display name for this node if available, otherwise the JCR name of this node.
      • getCanonicalNode

        javax.jcr.Node getCanonicalNode()
                                 throws javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException,
        Get the most accurate and complete version available of the information represented in the current node. Certain operations are only allowed on the most complete version of a node, rather than on any presentation of the node.
        the node with the most accurate representation of this node, may be nonsense if there is no sensible canonical version available
        javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException - indicates the canonical node is no longer available
        javax.jcr.RepositoryException - indicates a generic unspecified repository error
      • pendingChanges

        javax.jcr.NodeIterator pendingChanges​(String nodeType,
                                              boolean prune)
                                       throws javax.jcr.NamespaceException,
        Obtains an iterator over the set of nodes that potentially contain changes, starting (and not including) this node. Only nodes for which Node.isNodeType(nodeType) returns true are included in the resulting set. If the prune boolean value is true, then the nodes matching in the hierarchy first are returned. If matching modified node exists beneath the nodes, these are not included.
        nodeType - Only nodes that are (derived) of this nodeType are included in the result
        prune - Whether only to return the first matching modified node in a subtree (true), or provide a depth search for all modified nodes (false)
        A NodeIterator instance which iterates over all modified nodes, not including this node
        javax.jcr.NamespaceException - indicates an invalid nodeType parameter
        javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException - indicates an invalid nodeType parameter
        javax.jcr.RepositoryException - indicates a generic unspecified repository error
        See Also:
      • pendingChanges

        javax.jcr.NodeIterator pendingChanges​(String nodeType)
                                       throws javax.jcr.NamespaceException,
        Conveniance method for pendingChanges(nodeType,false)
        nodeType - Only nodes that are (derived) of this nodeType are included in the result
        A NodeIterator instance which iterates over all modified nodes, not including the passed node
        javax.jcr.NamespaceException - indicates an invalid nodeType parameter
        javax.jcr.RepositoryException - indicates a generic unspecified repository error
        javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException - indicates an invalid nodeType parameter
        See Also:
      • pendingChanges

        javax.jcr.NodeIterator pendingChanges()
                                       throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
        Conveniance method for pendingChanges("nt:base", false)
        A NodeIterator instance which iterates over all modified nodes, not including the passed node
        javax.jcr.RepositoryException - indicates a generic unspecified repository error
        See Also:
      • isVirtual

        boolean isVirtual()
                   throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
        Whether this is a virtual node or not.
        whether this is a virtual node or not.
      • recomputeDerivedData

        boolean recomputeDerivedData()
                              throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
        Some operations may leave some nodes' derived data stale. With this method the derived data of a node is made up to date.
        whether the node was changed during the recomputation