Class StringCodecFactory

  • public class StringCodecFactory
    extends Object
    The StringCodecFactory allows you access to symbolic named StringCodec's. Typically a single instance of the StringCodecFactory is stored in the application framework.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringCodecFactory

        public StringCodecFactory​(Map<String,​StringCodec> codecs)
        Initialized a StringCodecFactory with the given and fixed StringCodec mappings.
        codecs - a map of codecs to bind to their symbolic names. The map becomes immutable.
    • Method Detail

      • getStringCodec

        public StringCodec getStringCodec()
        Requests the default encoder to use.
        returns the fall-back or default encoder to use, or null if non was defined.
      • getStringCodec

        public StringCodec getStringCodec​(String encoding)
        Requests which encoder to use for the given symbolic name.
        encoding - the symbolic name of the encoder that is requested
        the StringCodec to use, which might be a fall-back encoder or null if non was defined.
      • getStringCodec

        public StringCodec getStringCodec​(String encoding,
                                          String locale)
        Requests which encoder to use for the given symbolic name and locale. If a locale is defined as language_country, e.g. en_GB, it will first try language_country and then language.
        encoding - the symbolic name of the encoder that is requested
        locale - the locale for the requested codec
        the StringCodec to use, which might be a fall-back encoder or null if non was defined.