Interface ResourceContainer

  • public interface ResourceContainer
    Implementations that know how to rewrite a link for a nodetype containing resources, like hippogallery:exampleImageSet or hippogallery:exampleAssetSet
    • Method Detail

      • resolveToPathInfo

        String resolveToPathInfo​(Node resourceContainerNode,
                                 Node resourceNode,
                                 Mount mount)
        Implementations should here do their logic, possibly linkrewriting. With the resolved path from this method, a HstLink object is created
        resourceContainerNode - The parent node of the resource node
        resourceNode - The resource node itself containing the binary
        mount - the Mount the link is meant for
        the resolved pathInfo for the node, or null when not able to create one
      • resolveToResourceNode

        Node resolveToResourceNode​(Session session,
                                   String pathInfo)
        This is the reverse of resolveToPathInfo(Node, Node, Mount). If this ResourceContainer can resolve the pathInfo to a resource node of type getNodeType(), it returns the resourceNode. If it cannot resolve the pathInfo, null is returned
        session -
        pathInfo - : the path from the url after the context and servlet path. It starts with a slash
        the resourceNode or null if this resource container does not know how to resolve this pathInfo
      • getNodeType

        String getNodeType()
        the node type this resource container works on
      • getPrimaryItem

        String getPrimaryItem()
        the primary item for this resource container
      • getMappings

        Map<String,​String> getMappings()
        returns the mapping from nodename to url prefix. For example, hippogallery:thumbnail <--> thumbnail
        the mapping from nodename to url prefix