Class BinaryContentEventLogger

  • public final class BinaryContentEventLogger
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • fireBinaryChangedEvent

        public static void fireBinaryChangedEvent​(Node node,
                                                  String category,
                                                  String type,
                                                  String action)
                                           throws RepositoryException
        Post a HippoEvent for specific asset or gallery node.
        node - asset or gallery node.
        category - workflow category name e.g. cms
        type - type of workflow e.g. image or resource
        action - name of the workflow action e.g. upload or crop
      • fireUploadEvent

        public static void fireUploadEvent​(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer component,
                                           String category,
                                           String type,
                                           String action)
        Find first component with backing JcrNodeModel and fire an upload event.
        component - top component in component chain
        category - workflow category e.g. cms
        type - type of workflow e.g. image or resource
        action - name of the workflow action e.g. upload or crop