Class YuiDatePicker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, org.apache.wicket.IComponentAwareEventSink, org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IComponentAwareHeaderContributor,

    public class YuiDatePicker
    extends AbstractYuiBehavior
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • addHeaderContribution

        public void addHeaderContribution​(IYuiContext helper)
        Description copied from class: AbstractYuiBehavior
        Override this method to get access to the IYuiContext
        addHeaderContribution in class AbstractYuiBehavior
        helper - The IYuiContext this behavior can use to register YUI-modules and the likes.
      • afterRender

        public void afterRender​(org.apache.wicket.Component component)
        afterRender in class org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior
      • renderOnLoad

        protected boolean renderOnLoad()
        Indicates whether the calendar should be rendered after it has been loaded.
        true if the calendar should be rendered after it has been loaded.
        false (default) if it's initially hidden.
      • getEscapedComponentMarkupId

        protected final String getEscapedComponentMarkupId()
        Gets the escaped DOM id that the calendar widget will get attached to. All non word characters (\W) will be removed from the string.
        The DOM id of the calendar widget - same as the component's markup id + 'Dp'}
      • getIconId

        protected final String getIconId()
        Gets the id of the icon that triggers the popup.
        The id of the icon
      • getIconStyle

        protected String getIconStyle()
        Gets the style of the icon that triggers the popup.
        The style of the icon, e.g. 'cursor: point' etc.
      • getIcon

        protected Icon getIcon()
        Gets the Icon for the popup button. Users can override to provide their own icon.
        the icon to use for the popup button
      • getLocale

        protected Locale getLocale()
        Gets the locale that should be used to configure this widget.
        By default, the locale of the bound component.
      • bind

        public void bind​(org.apache.wicket.Component component)
        bind in class AbstractYuiBehavior
      • getDatePattern

        protected String getDatePattern()
        Gets the date pattern to use for putting selected values in the coupled component.
        The date pattern