Interface IClusterControl

All Superinterfaces:, Serializable

public interface IClusterControl extends
A controller for a cluster of plugins. It can be used to start and stop the plugins in the cluster.

Plugins that repeatedly instantiated other clusters of plugins must stop the cluster when it is no longer in use. If the cluster has the same lifecycle as the plugin, this is not necessary; the plugin framework will stop the cluster when the plugin is stopped.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The cluster configuration.
    Start the plugins in the cluster.
    Stop the plugins in the cluster.
  • Method Details

    • getClusterConfig

      IClusterConfig getClusterConfig()
      The cluster configuration. All parameters have been filled in, so it is no longer the template that was used to create the cluster control in IPluginContext.newCluster(IClusterConfig, IPluginConfig).
      the cluster configuration
    • start

      void start()
      Start the plugins in the cluster.
    • stop

      void stop()
      Stop the plugins in the cluster.