
public class ImageUtils extends Object
Generic image manipulation utility methods.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageUtils

      protected ImageUtils()
      Prevent instantiation
  • Method Details

    • getImageReader

      public static ImageReader getImageReader(String aMimeType)
      Returns an image reader for a MIME type.
      aMimeType - MIME type
      an image reader for the given MIME type, or null if no image reader could be created for the given MIME type.
    • getImageWriter

      public static ImageWriter getImageWriter(String aMimeType)
      Returns an image writer for a MIME type.
      aMimeType - MIME type
      an image writer for the given MIME type, or null if no image writer could be created for the given MIME type.
    • writeImage

      public static ByteArrayOutputStream writeImage(ImageWriter writer, BufferedImage image, float compressionQuality) throws IOException
      Returns the data of a BufferedImage as a binary output stream. If the image is null, a stream of zero bytes is returned.
      writer - the writer to use for writing the image data.
      image - the image to write.
      compressionQuality - a float between 0 and 1 that indicates the desired compression quality. Values lower than 0 will be interpreted as 0, values higher than 1 will be interpreted as 1.
      an output stream with the data of the given image.
      IOException - when creating the binary output stream failed.
    • writeImage

      public static ByteArrayOutputStream writeImage(ImageWriter writer, BufferedImage image) throws IOException
      Returns the data of a BufferedImage as a binary output stream. If the image is null, a stream of zero bytes is returned. The data is written with a compression quality of 1.
      writer - the writer to use for writing the image data.
      image - the image to write.
      an output stream with the data of the given image.
      IOException - when creating the binary output stream failed.
    • scaleImage

      public static BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage img, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, ImageUtils.ScalingStrategy strategy)
      Returns a scaled instance of the provided BufferedImage.
      img - the original image to be scaled
      targetWidth - the desired width of the scaled instance, in pixels
      targetHeight - the desired height of the scaled instance, in pixels
      strategy - the strategy to use for scaling the image
      a scaled version of the original BufferedImage, or null if either the target width or target height is 0 or less.
    • scaleImage

      @Deprecated public static BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage original, Rectangle rectangle, Dimension targetDimension, Object hint, boolean highQuality)
      Returns a scaled instance of the provided BufferedImage.
      original - the original image to be scaled
      rectangle - the rectangle to use for the scaled instance
      targetDimension - the desired dimensions of the scaled instance, in pixels
      hint - one of the rendering hints that corresponds to RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION (e.g. RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC)
      highQuality - if true, this method will use a multi-step scaling technique that provides higher quality than the usual one-step technique (only useful in downscaling cases, where targetWidth or targetHeight is smaller than the original dimensions, and generally only when the BILINEAR hint is specified)
      a scaled version of the original BufferedImage, or null if either the target width or target height is 0 or less.
    • determineScalingFactor

      public static double determineScalingFactor(double width, double height, double maxWidth, double maxHeight)
      Determine the scaling factor of an image, so that it fits within the max boundaries of the preview container (e.g. #MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH by #MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT).
      width - width of image
      height - height of image
      maxWidth - max width of image
      maxHeight - max height of image
      the scaling factor of the image
    • normalizeDimension

      public static Dimension normalizeDimension(Dimension original, Dimension variant)
      If height or width in the variant dimension is equal to 0 it is a special case. The value 0 represents a value that according to the dimension of the original image.

      With this function a new dimension is created according to the original dimension.

      original - dimension of the original image
      variant - dimension of the variant image
      scaled dimension based on width or height value
    • determineResizeRatio

      public static double determineResizeRatio(double sourceWidth, double sourceHeight, int targetWidth, int targetHeight)
      Determine the ratio by which the source dimensions should be multiplied to fit into the target dimensions.
      sourceWidth - The width of the source image
      sourceHeight - The height of the source image
      targetWidth - The width of the target image
      targetHeight - The height of the target image
      The resize ratio
    • cropImage

      public static BufferedImage cropImage(BufferedImage image, Rectangle cropArea)
      Returns a cropped instance of the BufferedImage provided by the ImageReader.
      image - The original image
      cropArea - The rectangle used to crop the image
      a cropped version of the original image.
    • scaleImage

      @Deprecated public static BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage img, int xOffset, int yOffset, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Object hint, boolean highQuality)
      Returns a scaled instance of the provided BufferedImage.
      img - the original image to be scaled
      xOffset - the X-coordinate of the top-left corner in the source image, in pixels, to use for the scaled instance.
      yOffset - the Y-coordinate of the top-left corner in the source image, in pixels, to use for the scaled instance.
      sourceWidth - the width of the source image, in pixels relative to xOffset, to use for the scaled instance.
      sourceHeight - the height of the source image, in pixels relative to yOffset, to use for the scaled instance.
      targetWidth - the desired width of the scaled instance, in pixels
      targetHeight - the desired height of the scaled instance, in pixels
      hint - one of the rendering hints that corresponds to RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION (e.g. RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC)
      highQuality - if true, this method will use a multi-step scaling technique that provides higher quality than the usual one-step technique (only useful in downscaling cases, where targetWidth or targetHeight is smaller than the original dimensions, and generally only when the BILINEAR hint is specified)
      a scaled version of the original BufferedImage, or null if either the target width or target height is 0 or less.
    • convertToRGB

      public static InputStream convertToRGB(InputStream is, ColorModel colorModel) throws IOException, UnsupportedImageException
      Converts image raster data to a JPEG with RGB color space. Only images with color space CMYK and YCCK are converted, other images are left untouched.

      Rationale: Java's ImageIO can't process 4-component images and Java2D can't apply AffineTransformOp either, so we have to convert raster data to a JPG with RGB color space.

      The technique used in this method is due to Mark Stephens, and free for any use. See or

      is - the image data
      colorModel - the color model of the image
      the RGB version of the supplied image