Class UnitSettings

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnitSettings extends Object implements Serializable
Contains all settings of a YUI unit.
  • POSITION: String representation of the position this unit has in the wireframe; top, right, bottom, left or center
  • ID: a YuiId value representing the unit's root element.
  • BODY: a YuiId value representing the unit's body element. The body should not be configured when the unit wraps a Component with a UnitBehavior. When neither body nor UnitBehavior is present, a body element will be generated.
  • WIDTH: width (in pixels) that the unit will take up in the wireframe (only applies to left and right units and is required)
  • HEIGHT: height (in pixels) that the unit will take up in the wireframe (only applies to top and bottom units and is required).
  • MIN_WIDTH: minimum width (in pixels) the unit will take up in the wireframe (only applies to left and right units and is required)
  • MIN_HEIGHT: minimum height (in pixels) that the unit will take up in the wireframe (only applies to top and bottom units and is required).
  • GUTTER: the gutter applied to the unit's wrapper, before the content, for example "5px".
  • SCROLL: Boolean indicating whether the unit's body should have scroll bars if the body content is larger than the display area.
  • RESIZE: Boolean indicating whether this unit is resizeable.
  • USE_SHIM: Sometimes resizing a unit over an iframe (or other elements) will lead to unexpected behavior. Set this property to true to fix it.
  • Z_INDEX: z-index for this unit.
  • EXPANDED: whether or not this unit is expanded, meaning it will take up all available space inside the wireframe, hiding all other active units.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UnitSettings

      public UnitSettings(String position, org.apache.wicket.util.value.IValueMap config)
  • Method Details

    • getPosition

      public String getPosition()
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth(String width)
    • getWidth

      public String getWidth()
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight(String height)
    • getHeight

      public String getHeight()
    • setMinWidth

      public void setMinWidth(String minWidth)
    • getMinWidth

      public String getMinWidth()
    • setMinHeight

      public void setMinHeight(String minHeight)
    • getMinHeight

      public String getMinHeight()
    • setGutter

      public void setGutter(String gutter)
    • getGutter

      public String getGutter()
    • setScroll

      public void setScroll(boolean scroll)
    • isScroll

      public boolean isScroll()
    • setResize

      public void setResize(boolean resize)
    • isResize

      public boolean isResize()
    • setUseShim

      public void setUseShim(boolean useShim)
    • isUseShim

      public boolean isUseShim()
    • getBody

      public YuiId getBody()
    • getId

      public YuiId getId()
    • setZindex

      public void setZindex(int zIndex)
    • getZindex

      public int getZindex()
    • isExpanded

      public boolean isExpanded()
    • setExpanded

      public void setExpanded(boolean expanded)
    • isExpandCollapseEnabled

      public boolean isExpandCollapseEnabled()
    • setExpandCollapseEnabled

      public void setExpandCollapseEnabled(boolean expandCollapseEnabled)