Interface IFieldDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:, IObservable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IFieldDescriptor extends, IObservable
The field descriptor contains the meta information of a field in a type.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Symbolic name of the field.
      the name
    • getTypeDescriptor

      ITypeDescriptor getTypeDescriptor()
      The descriptor of the type of the field.
      the type
    • getPath

      String getPath()
      The (JCR) path of the field. This will correspond to the name of the child node or the property.
      the path
    • isMultiple

      boolean isMultiple()
      Can multiple instances of this field be created.
      true when multiple instances can be created
    • isAutoCreated

      boolean isAutoCreated()
      Will an instance of the field be created automatically for a new instance of the containing type.
      will an instance of the field be created
    • isProtected

      boolean isProtected()
      Is the field protected, i.e. can it not be set using the (JCR) api, but is it managed by the system itself.
      true when the field is protected
    • isMandatory

      boolean isMandatory()
      When the field is mandatory, it must be present for the (JCR) session to be in a valid state. Note that the use of mandatory fields is discouraged, as the presence of an invalid mandatory field on one node can prevent a wholly different node from being persisted.
      whether the field is mandatory
    • isOrdered

      boolean isOrdered()
      When multiple instances of the field can be present, can they be reordered. I.e. do instances behave like a set or a list.
      are instances of the field ordered
    • isPrimary

      boolean isPrimary()
      Is this field the primary field of the containing type. Only one field can be the primary field.
      whether this field is the primary field
    • getExcluded

      Set<String> getExcluded()
      For residual field definitions (name is '*'), the excluded names consist of the list of the paths for all other fields in the type.
      the excluded names
    • getValidators

      Set<String> getValidators()
      The symbolic names for validators associated with this field.
      the names of applicable validators
    • setPath

      void setPath(String path) throws TypeException
    • setMultiple

      void setMultiple(boolean multiple)
    • setAutoCreated

      void setAutoCreated(boolean autocreated)
    • setMandatory

      void setMandatory(boolean mandatory)
    • setOrdered

      void setOrdered(boolean isOrdered)
    • addValidator

      void addValidator(String validator)
    • setExcluded

      void setExcluded(Set<String> set)
    • removeValidator

      void removeValidator(String validator)