Class InterpolationUtils


public class InterpolationUtils extends Object
Variable interpolation utility, replacing a text with variable references by resolved values.

This utility class provides features to replace texts containing variables by looking up values from the platform ContainerConfiguration.

  • Field Details


      public static final char DEFAULT_ESCAPE
      Default escape character to override the default escape character of StringSubstitutor, '$'. '\\' is more user friendly than '$' in most use cases.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • interpolate

      public static String interpolate(String text)
      Replaces the given text by looking up values from the platform configuration. It uses the variable prefix "${". it uses the variable suffix "}". The escape sequence // can be used before a variable reference to ignore the expression.
      text - text to replace
      replaced string by the values found in the given resource bundle
    • interpolate

      public static String interpolate(String text, String variablePrefix, String variableSuffix, Character escapeChar)
      Replaces the given text by looking up values from the platform configuration.
      text - text to replace
      variablePrefix - variable reference prefix. "${" by default.
      variableSuffix - variable reference suffix. "}" by default.
      escapeChar - escape character which can be put just before a variable reference to ignore the expression.
      replaced string by the values found in the given resource bundle
    • interpolate

      public static String interpolate(ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration, String text, String variablePrefix, String variableSuffix, Character escapeChar)
      Replaces the given text by looking up values from the given container configuration.
      containerConfiguration - platform configuration
      text - text to replace
      variablePrefix - variable reference prefix. "${" by default.
      variableSuffix - variable reference suffix. "}" by default.
      escapeChar - escape character which can be put just before a variable reference to ignore the expression.
      replaced string by the values found in the given resource bundle
    • interpolate

      public static String interpolate(org.apache.commons.text.lookup.StringLookup strLookup, String text, String variablePrefix, String variableSuffix, Character escapeChar)
      Replaces the given text by looking up values from the given StringLookup.
      strLookup - string lookup
      text - text to replace
      variablePrefix - variable reference prefix. "${" by default.
      variableSuffix - variable reference suffix. "}" by default.
      escapeChar - escape character which can be put just before a variable reference to ignore the expression.
      replaced string by the values found in the given resource bundle