Class AbstractRoleBean

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
RoleBean, UserRoleBean

public abstract class AbstractRoleBean extends Object implements AbstractRole
Simple (abstract) POJO bean implementation of AbstractRole
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractRoleBean

      public AbstractRoleBean()
    • AbstractRoleBean

      public AbstractRoleBean(String name, String description)
    • AbstractRoleBean

      public AbstractRoleBean(AbstractRole role)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: AbstractRole
      The name of the role
      Specified by:
      getName in interface AbstractRole
      The name of the role
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: AbstractRole
      The description of the role
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface AbstractRole
      the description of the role
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • isSystem

      public boolean isSystem()
      Description copied from interface: AbstractRole
      Indicator if the role is used or reserved for system purposes.
      Specified by:
      isSystem in interface AbstractRole
      true if this is a system role, false otherwise
    • setSystem

      public void setSystem(boolean system)
    • getRoles

      public HashSet<String> getRoles()
      Description copied from interface: AbstractRole
      The same of role names which are implied (included or merged) with this role.
      Specified by:
      getRoles in interface AbstractRole
      the set of other role names to implied by this role.