Interface ImportReferenceBehavior

public interface ImportReferenceBehavior
This call is not (yet) part of the API, but under evaluation.

The possible actions specified by the referenceBehavior parameter in HippoSession.importEnhancedSystemViewXML(java.lang.String,, int, int, org.onehippo.repository.xml.ContentResourceLoader). When a reference to another node by path or UUID occurs in the import, but the references node itself in not present in either the import data or in the repository itself, then the value specified by the mergeBehavior governs what should the behavior during import. The referenceBehavior parameter must be just one of these values.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    When a reference to occurs which cannot be resolved, remove the property containing the reference.
    static final int
    A missing reference will cause the import to abort by throwing a @{link javax.jcr.RepositoryException} at some time during the import and leave a partial state in the transient state.
    static final int
    When a missing reference occurs, re-target the reference to reference the root of the JCR tree (/jcr:root).
  • Field Details


      When a reference to occurs which cannot be resolved, remove the property containing the reference. In case the the lack of the property is not valid for the node definition in which the property occurred, a RepositoryException will be thrown by either the import method or when the data in the session is being saved.
      See Also:

      When a missing reference occurs, re-target the reference to reference the root of the JCR tree (/jcr:root).
      See Also:

      A missing reference will cause the import to abort by throwing a @{link javax.jcr.RepositoryException} at some time during the import and leave a partial state in the transient state.
      See Also: