Interface StringCodecService

public interface StringCodecService
Provides StringCodec instances for certain encodings, possibly customized for a certain locale.
  • Method Details

    • getStringCodec

      StringCodec getStringCodec(StringCodecService.Encoding encoding)
      Returns the default string codec for a certain encoding. Equivalent to calling getStringCodec(Encoding, String) with a null locale.
      encoding - the type of encoding
      the default string codec for the given encoding
    • getStringCodec

      StringCodec getStringCodec(StringCodecService.Encoding encoding, String locale)
      Returns the string codec for a certain encoding that is best suited for the given locale.
      encoding - the type of encoding
      locale - the locale the string codec will be used for. Can be null.
      the best matching string codec, or the default string codec if no specific one could be found.