Interface Group

public interface Group
Represents a group of Users in the repository.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Get the id of the group.
      the id of the group
    • getMembers

      Set<String> getMembers()
      Get the immutable set of User identifiers who are members of this group. which can be used to lookup the referenced User object(s) through SecurityService.getUser(String).

      Note: this set is lazy loaded, once.

      the User identifiers who are members of this group
    • getUserRoles

      Set<String> getUserRoles()
      Get the directly assigned user role names for this group.

      The user role names are not resolved, nor include possible implied user roles names

      the directly assigned user role names
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get the description property of this group.
      the description property of this group, or null if not present
    • isSystemGroup

      boolean isSystemGroup()
      Whether this group is marked as a system group.
      whether this group is a system group
    • isExternal

      boolean isExternal()
      Whether this is an external user
      whether this is an external user
    • getProperty

      String getProperty(String propertyName)
      Get an additional group property by name.

      Only single properties of type String, Boolean, Date, Double or Long are returned, while internal properties are hidden.

      the additional property of the group identified by propertyName, or null if not present/available