Interface CmsContextService

public interface CmsContextService
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the unique identifier for this service
    • getSessionContext

      CmsSessionContext getSessionContext(String ctxId)
      Returns the CmsSessionContext by its unique id
      ctxId - The id for the CmsSessionContext to return
      the CmsSessionContext
    • attachSessionContext

      CmsSessionContext attachSessionContext(String ctxId, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
      Creates a new CmsSessionContext attached to an existing (CMS Application HttpSession based) CmsSessionContext and stores it in the provided HttpSession under attribute CmsSessionContext.SESSION_KEY.

      The attached CmsSessionContext will be automatically destroyed and removed from its HttpSession when the underlying CMS application CmsSessionContext is destroyed.

      When the provided HttpSession expires or invalidated OR the attached CmsSessionContext is removed from its HttpSession otherwise, the attached CmsSessionContext is automatically destroyed and detached from the underlying CmsSessionContext.

      ctxId - Id for the CmsSessionContext to attach a new CmsSessionContext to
      session - The HttpSession in which to bind the new attached CmsSessionContext
      the attached CmsSessionContext, also bound to the provided HttpSession attribute CmsSessionContext.SESSION_KEY