Interface EffectiveNodeType

public interface EffectiveNodeType
An immutable and aggregated or effective JCR Repository NodeType representation or an aggregation thereof to represent a concrete Node instance. Note: not all information available from the JCR NodeType model is captured.
  • Method Details

    • version

      long version()
      The immutable version of the EffectiveNodeTypes instance used to create this definition
    • isAggregate

      boolean isAggregate()
      True if this is an aggregation of multiple EffectiveNodeTypes like to represent a concrete Node instance
    • getName

      String getName()
      the Qualified name of the JCR Repository NodeType (see JCR-2.0; or the list of aggregated NodeType names as [,...] if isAggregate()
      See Also:
    • getPrefix

      String getPrefix()
      The namespace prefix as used by this registered NodeType (derived from its name); null if isAggregate()
    • getSuperTypes

      SortedSet<String> getSuperTypes()
      The natural ordered set of names of all directly or inherited parent NodeTypes or mixins for this NodeType or Node. Never null but may be empty.
      See Also:
    • getAggregatedTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAggregatedTypes()
      The natural ordered set of aggregated EffectiveNodeTypes, at least containing getName() even if not isAggregate()
    • isNodeType

      boolean isNodeType(String nodeTypeName)
      nodeTypeName - The name of a node type
      True if the name of this node type or any of its getSuperTypes() is equal to nodeTypeName
      See Also:
    • isAbstract

      boolean isAbstract()
      True if this EffectiveNodeType is marked abstract; false if isAggregate()
      See Also:
    • isMixin

      boolean isMixin()
      True if this EffectiveNodeType represents a Mixin; false if isAggregate()
      See Also:
    • isOrdered

      boolean isOrdered()
      True if for this aggregated or effective NodeType its child Nodes are ordered
      See Also:
    • getPrimaryItemName

      String getPrimaryItemName()
      The name of the NodeTypeItem to be used as PrimaryItem when creating a Node. May be null.
      See Also:
    • getChildren

      Returns the aggregated map of all allowable Child Node definitions. The map keys are the Qualified Child Node names, or "*" for the list of residual Child Node definitions. For each child 'name', possible multiple children are ordered by the number of requiredPrimaryTypes and the names thereof.
      The aggregated map of all allowable Child Node definitions.
      See Also:
    • getProperties

      Returns the aggregated map of all allowable Property definitions. The map keys are the Qualified Property names, or "*" for the list of residual Property definitions. For each property 'name', possible multiple properties are ordered by their type (String first) and their multiplicity (single first)
      The aggregated map of all allowable Property definitions.
      See Also: