Interface TagVisitor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface TagVisitor extends Serializable
Visits Tags that are part of a DOM tree.
  • Method Details

    • onRead

      void onRead(Tag parent, Tag tag) throws RepositoryException
      Called by, List) for each Tag in the DOM tree.
      parent - The parent of the tag parameter, or null if the tag is the root node of the DOM tree
      tag - The visited tag
      RepositoryException - when an error occurred. Visiting will continue for the other tags.
    • onWrite

      void onWrite(Tag parent, Tag tag) throws RepositoryException
      Called by HtmlProcessor.write(String, List) for each Tag in the DOM tree.
      parent - The parent of the tag parameter, or null if the tag is the root node of the DOM tree
      tag - The visited tag
      RepositoryException - when an error occurred. Visiting will continue for the other tags.
    • before

      void before()
      Called before the visitor is applied to the DOM tree.
    • after

      void after()
      Called after the visitor is applied to the DOM tree.