Class NotFoundException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NotFoundException extends MatchException
When a request fails to match for example a HstSiteMapItem because the request path can match the sitemap tree, this exception should be thrown.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NotFoundException

      public NotFoundException()
      Constructs a new ContainerException exception.
    • NotFoundException

      public NotFoundException(String message)
      Constructs a new NotFoundExceptiion exception with the given message.
      message - the exception message
    • NotFoundException

      public NotFoundException(Throwable nested)
      Constructs a new NotFoundExceptiion exception with the nested exception.
      nested - the nested exception
    • NotFoundException

      public NotFoundException(String msg, Throwable nested)
      Constructs a new NotFoundExceptiion exception when the container needs to do the following:
      • throw an exception
      • include the "nested" exception
      • include a description message
      msg - the exception message
      nested - the nested exception