Interface ObjectBeanPersistenceManager

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public interface ObjectBeanPersistenceManager extends ObjectBeanManager
ObjectBeanPersistenceManager is the primary interface for HST-2-Persistence-aware application components.

An implementation of this interface should be able to convert content nodes to objects, and vice versa. Also it should have knowledges on how to create, update or remove a content node with node type and absolute path.

If the content models are not complex and so just simple node structures are enough for the requirements, then an implementation for this interface can probably provide an automatic bi-directional mappings.

However, in most real cases, the content models are very sophisticated, so they need careful workflow management to fulfill real requirements such as faceted selection, virtual nodes, approval or publishing management. Therefore, this sophisticated management should be implemented properly in separated classes.

Some sophisticated JCR repository engine already have their own workflow knowledges on how to create, update and remove content nodes based on node types. Or, some domain specific content-based application should know the knowledges on their own content models. In these cases, they can provide an implementation for this interface.