Interface HippoBeanIterator

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public interface HippoBeanIterator extends Iterator<HippoBean>
A lazy proxied iterator, that only fetches the next bean when asked for it. As we fetch the beans lazily, this iterator is very efficient. For performance reasons, it is really important to use skip(int skipNum) if you know where you would like to start iterating from.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current position within the iterator.
    Returns the number of elements in the iterator.
    Returns the next HippoBean in the iteration.
    skip(int skipNum)
    Skip a number of elements in the iterator.

    Methods inherited from interface java.util.Iterator

    forEachRemaining, hasNext, next, remove
  • Method Details

    • nextHippoBean

      HippoBean nextHippoBean()
      Returns the next HippoBean in the iteration. Note this method is allowed to return null when the backing jcr node cannot be mapped to a HippoBean.
      the next HippoBean in the iteration or null if the jcr node cannot be mapped to a HippoBean
      NoSuchElementException - if iteration has no more HippoBeans.
    • skip

      void skip(int skipNum)
      Skip a number of elements in the iterator. Using skip is very efficient when you know you want to have the, say, 100 to 110 beans, as the skip does not need to fetch number 1 to 100.
      skipNum - the non-negative number of elements to skip
      NoSuchElementException - if skipped past the last element in the iterator.
    • getSize

      long getSize()
      Returns the number of elements in the iterator. If this information is unavailable, returns -1.
      a long
    • getPosition

      long getPosition()
      Returns the current position within the iterator. The number returned is the 0-based index of the next element in the iterator, i.e. the one that will be returned on the subsequent next call.

      Note that this method does not check if there is a next element, i.e. an empty iterator will always return 0.

      a long