Interface ImageVariant

public interface ImageVariant
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the List of variants that should be replaced with getName() and an EMPTY List if no explicit items for replaces are configured.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      the variant name to use. This value is never null or blank (empty)
    • getReplaces

      List<String> getReplaces()
      Returns the List of variants that should be replaced with getName() and an EMPTY List if no explicit items for replaces are configured. When all variants need to be replaced by default, this List can return EMPTY list
      the List of variants that should be replaced with getName() and an EMPTY List if no explicit items for replaces are configured
    • isFallback

      boolean isFallback()
      true when the original variant should be shown when the variant for name does not exist