Interface HstRequestProcessor

public interface HstRequestProcessor
Request processor. This request processor is called by the HstFilter. This request processor can be initialized and run by another web application and its own classloader. So, the HstFilter or other components should not assume that this request processor is loaded by the same classloader.
  • Method Details

    • processRequest

      void processRequest(HstContainerConfig requestContainerConfig, HstRequestContext requestContext, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest servletRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse servletResponse, String namedPipeline) throws ContainerException
      processes request
      requestContainerConfig - the holder for the servletConfig and classloader of the HST container
      requestContext - the requestContext of the HST request
      servletRequest - the servletRequest of the HST request
      servletResponse - the servletResponse of the HST response
      namedPipeline - the pipeline to use for this request
    • getCurrentHstContainerConfig

      HstContainerConfig getCurrentHstContainerConfig()
      Returns the current request container config object used in the current request processing context.