Interface OrderableValve

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public interface OrderableValve extends Valve
Orderable valve interface.

When an orderable valve is added into a Pipeline, it can be re-ordered by the execution ordering properties ('beforeValves', 'afterValves', etc.).

The postrequisite valve names configured by 'beforeValves' property is the valve names that should follow this valve. The prerequisite valve names configured by 'afterValves' property is the valve names that should precede this valve. The postrequisite/prerequisite names can have multiple valve names, separated by ' ', ',', '\t', '\r' or '\n'.

  • Method Details

    • getValveName

      String getValveName()
      Returns the valve name.
      the valve name.
    • getBeforeValves

      String getBeforeValves()
      Returns postrequisite valve names that should follow this valve. The return can have multiple valve names, separated by ' ', ',', '\t', '\r' or '\n'
      postrequisite valve names that should follow this valve.
    • getAfterValves

      String getAfterValves()
      Returns prerequisite valve names that should follow this valve. The return can have multiple valve names, separated by ' ', ',', '\t', '\r' or '\n'
      prerequisite valve names that should follow this valve.