Interface PooledSession

All Superinterfaces:
HippoSession, Session

public interface PooledSession extends HippoSession
PooledSession interface. This interface extends HippoSession, allowing to set additional attributes for internal use. For example, if a pooled session is needed to refresh just before borrowing from the pool, the pool implementation can set a specific attribute to check it later.

Note: If a pooled session is already returned to the pool, then any method invocation on this pooled session will throw java.lang.IllegalStateException.

  • Method Details

    • activate

      void activate()
      Marks this pooled session as activated.
    • passivate

      void passivate()
      Marks this pooled session as passivated.
    • logoutSession

      void logoutSession() throws RepositoryException
      Invokes logout() of the underlying session.
    • lastRefreshed

      long lastRefreshed()
      Returns the last refreshed time millis.
      the last refreshed time millis.
    • timeCreated

      long timeCreated()
      Returns the Session creation time millis.
    • getUserID

      String getUserID()
      Gets the user ID that was used to acquire this session. This method is free to return an "anonymous user id" or null if the Credentials used to acquire this session happens not to have provided a real user ID (for example, if instead of SimpleCredentials some other implementation of Credentials was used).
      Specified by:
      getUserID in interface Session
      the user id from the credentials used to acquire this session.