Interface LocationResolver

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface LocationResolver
  • Method Details

    • resolve

      HstLink resolve(Node node, Mount mount, LocationMapTree locationMapTree)
      Implementations should here do their logic, possibly linkrewriting. With the resolved path from this method, a HstLink object is created. Do not store any of the arguments as instance variables as they should not be referenced from a LocationResolver
      node -
      mount - the Mount where the HstLink should be created for
      locationMapTree - inversed HstSiteMapItem's object, which can be null in case of a mount that is not mapped (Mount.isMapped() or when it does not have a site map
      the resolved HstLink for the node, or null when not able to create one
    • getNodeType

      String getNodeType()
      the node type this resolver works on