Interface ParametersInfoProvider

public interface ParametersInfoProvider
Provides a resolved ParametersInfo object for HstComponents or JAX-RS service components.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T> T
    Returns a ParametersInfo object which resolves parameter from the underlying parameters stored in HstComponentConfiguration, HstSiteMapItem or Mount, depending on which 'component' is in the context.
  • Method Details

    • getParametersInfo

      <T> T getParametersInfo()
      Returns a ParametersInfo object which resolves parameter from the underlying parameters stored in HstComponentConfiguration, HstSiteMapItem or Mount, depending on which 'component' is in the context.

      For example, an HstComponent could get a ParametersInfo object of which the parameters are backed by an HstComponentConfiguration. Or a JAX-RS service component could be a ParametersInfo object of which the parameters are backed by either HstSiteMapItem or Mount

      The parameter resolution means that possible property placeholders like ${1} or ${year}, where the first refers to the first wildcard matcher in a resolved sitemap item, and the latter to a resolved parameter in the resolved HstSiteMapItem.

      NOTE: Because the returned ParametersInfo proxy instance is bound to the current request, you MUST NOT store the returned object in a member variable or session. You should retrieve that per request.

      a ParametersInfo object which resolves parameter from the underlying parameters stored in HstComponentConfiguration, HstSiteMapItem or Mount, depending on which 'component' is in the context. Null if nothing is available.