Interface HstSiteMenu

All Superinterfaces:
CommonMenu, PageModelEntity

public interface HstSiteMenu extends CommonMenu
The interface for a SiteMenu implementation, containing possibly a tree of HstSiteMenuItem's
  • Method Details

    • getSelectSiteMenuItem

      HstSiteMenuItem getSelectSiteMenuItem()
      the currently selected HstSiteMenuItem or null if none is selected
    • getSiteMenuItems

      List<HstSiteMenuItem> getSiteMenuItems()
      returns all direct child HstSiteMenuItem's of this SiteMenu
    • getHstSiteMenus

      HstSiteMenus getHstSiteMenus()
      the HstSiteMenus container for this HstSiteMenu
    • getDeepestExpandedItem

      HstSiteMenuItem getDeepestExpandedItem()
      This utility method is valuable for creating repository based navigations, as you can easily get the deepest selected item, which might in turn need repository based menu build below it
      the HstSiteMenuItem that is the last one in the tree of expanded items, or null if none is expanded
    • getEditableMenu

      EditableMenu getEditableMenu()
      Returns an EditableMenu instance from this HstSiteMenu. Note that changing the EditableMenu using the setters and adders (like adding a EditableMenuItem) will not being reflected in this HstSiteMenu instance.
      an EditableMenu instance of this HstSiteMenu.