Interface RuntimeExceptionEvent

All Known Subinterfaces:
BaseChannelEvent, BeforeChannelDeleteEvent, ChannelEvent, PageCopyEvent, PageCreateEvent, PageDeleteEvent, PageEvent<T>, PageMoveEvent, PageUpdateEvent

public interface RuntimeExceptionEvent
Synchronous event abstraction to allow a listener to be able to set a runtime exception.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the runtime exception occurred in a listener's handling.
    setException(RuntimeException runtimeException)
    Set the runtime exception occurred in a listener's handling.
  • Method Details

    • getException

      RuntimeException getException()
      Return the runtime exception occurred in a listener's handling.
      the runtime exception occurred by a listener's handling
    • setException

      void setException(RuntimeException runtimeException)
      Set the runtime exception occurred in a listener's handling.
      runtimeException - the runtime exception occurred by a listener's handling