Interface ValueProvider

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public interface ValueProvider extends Serializable
  • Method Details

    • getPath

      String getPath()
      the path of the object used to create this valueprovider with
    • getCanonicalPath

      String getCanonicalPath()
      The canonical path can be a different location then getPath() because the latter might give some virtual / mirrored path of the value provider
      the canonical path of the object used to create this valueprovider with
    • getIdentifier

      String getIdentifier()
      the identifier of the object used to create this valueprovider with
    • getName

      String getName()
      the name of the object used to create this valueprovider with
    • hasProperty

      boolean hasProperty(String propertyName)
      Method returning true when the jcr node has the property
      propertyName -
      true if the node has the propertyName
    • getString

      String getString(String propertyName)
      Returns the string value of a node property
      propertyName -
      String value of the node property, or null if the property does not exist, or is multivalued, or is not of type string
    • getStrings

      String[] getStrings(String propertyName)
      Returns String array of string values of a node property
      propertyName -
      String[] values of the node property, or an empty string array String[0] if the property does not exist, or is single-valued, or is not of type string
    • getBoolean

      Boolean getBoolean(String propertyName)
      Returns the boolean value of a node property
      propertyName -
      Boolean value of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is multivalued, or is not of type boolean, false is returned
    • getBooleans

      Boolean[] getBooleans(String propertyName)
      Returns boolean array of the boolean values of a node property
      propertyName -
      Boolean[] values of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is single-valued, or is not of type boolean, an empty boolean array Boolean[0] is returned
    • getLong

      Long getLong(String propertyName)
      Returns the long value of a node property.
      propertyName -
      Long value of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is multivalued, or is not of type long, 0 is returned
    • getLongs

      Long[] getLongs(String propertyName)
      Returns long array of the long values of a node property.
      propertyName -
      Long array presentation of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is single-valued, or is not of type long, an empty array Long[0] is returned
    • getDouble

      Double getDouble(String propertyName)
      Returns the double value of a node property.
      propertyName -
      Double value of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is multivalued, or is not of type double, 0 is returned
    • getDoubles

      Double[] getDoubles(String propertyName)
      Returns double array of the long values of a node property.
      propertyName -
      Double array presentation of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is single-valued, or is not of type double, an empty array Double[0] is returned
    • getDate

      Calendar getDate(String propertyName)
      Returns the Calendar value of a node property.
      propertyName -
      Calendar value of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is multivalued, or is not of type jcr DATE, null is returned
    • getDates

      Calendar[] getDates(String propertyName)
      Returns Calendar array of the Calendar values of a node property.
      propertyName -
      Calendar[] of the Calendar values of the node property. If the property does not exist, or is single-valued, or is not of type jcr DATE, an empty array Calendar[0] is returned
    • getPropertyMap

      PropertyMap getPropertyMap()
      Returns all combined properties that are of type String, boolean, int, long, double or Calendar in a PropertyMap.
    • getProperties

      Map<String,Object> getProperties()
      Returns all combined properties that are of type String, boolean, int, long, double or Calendar in a Map.