Interface ClasspathResourceScanner

public interface ClasspathResourceScanner

An implementation of this interface is responsible for collecting classpath resources.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    scanClassNamesAnnotatedBy(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, boolean matchSuperClass, String... locationPatterns)
    Scans classpath from the location specified by locationPatterns for all class names which annotates the speified annotationType.
  • Method Details

    • scanClassNamesAnnotatedBy

      Set<String> scanClassNamesAnnotatedBy(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, boolean matchSuperClass, String... locationPatterns)
      Scans classpath from the location specified by locationPatterns for all class names which annotates the speified annotationType.

      Note: An implementation is recommended to support locationPattern with classpath*: prefix at least like the following example:

      • classpath*:org/examples/beans/**/*.class : For all matching resources from the class path, which are descendants under org/examples/beans/ package.
      • classpath*:org/examples/beans/*.class : For all matching resources from the class path, which are one level children under org/examples/beans/ package.

      annotationType -
      matchSuperClass -
      locationPatterns -