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AbstractDelegatingResourceServiceBroker - Class in
Abstract delegating Resource Service Broker adaptor class.
AbstractDelegatingResourceServiceBroker(ResourceServiceBroker) - Constructor for class
AbstractResource - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstract Resource representation.
AbstractResource(String) - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Construct resource representation by using resource type name.
AbstractResource(String, String) - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Constructs resource representation by using resource type name and resource name.
AbstractResource(Resource, String, String) - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Constructs resource representation by using parent resoruce representation, resource type name and resource name.
AbstractResourceBeanMapper - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstract implementation for ResourceBeanMapper.
AbstractResourceBeanMapper() - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceBeanMapper
AbstractResourceCacheResolvable - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstract ResourceCacheResolvable base class.
AbstractResourceCacheResolvable() - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
AbstractResourceLinkResolver - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstract ResourceLinkResolver base class.
AbstractResourceLinkResolver() - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceLinkResolver
AbstractResourceResolver - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstract ResourceResolver base class.
AbstractResourceResolver() - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
AbstractResourceServiceBroker - Class in
Abstract CRISP Resource Service Broker base class.
AbstractResourceServiceBroker() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
AbstractValueMap - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstract ValueMap base class.
AbstractValueMap() - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractValueMap


BEAN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Property name of a CRISP ResourceResolver configuration node, containing its own ResourceResolver bean configuration.
Binary - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Common Binary representation interface, reflecting any binary content.
build() - Method in class
Build a ExchangeHint.


clear() - Static method in class
Clear all the attributes stored for the current request context.
clear() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
clear() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceDataCache
Remove all mappings from the cache.
close() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Closes any resources used in this ResourceResolver instance with the backend.
close() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Closes any resources used in this ResourceResolver instance with the backend.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
convertValueOfBasicType(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Convert the value of a basic type to one of the expectedType.
create() - Static method in class
Create a default ExchangeHintBuilder instance.
createCacheKey(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
createCacheKey(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCacheResolvable
Create cache key based on given operation key, resource path, path variables and exchange hint.
CRISP_MODULE_CONFIG_PATH_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
CrispConstants - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api
CRISP related global constants.
CrispHstServices - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module
Convenient utility to allow easy access to the singleton ResourceServiceBroker in an application.


DEFAULT_CRISP_MODULE_CONFIG_PATH - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Default CRISP module configuration node path.
DefaultValueMap - Class in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Default ValueMap implementation.
DefaultValueMap() - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
Default constructor.
DefaultValueMap(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
Constructs with a map to delegate.
dispose() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Binary
Clean up any resources opened in this binary.
dump(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Specific implementation may support this operation to dump (write) the internal data representation into the output for debugging purpose.


EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCollection
Empty ResourceCollection object.
entrySet() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
EVENT_ACTION_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
HippoEvent action name used internally in configuration change HippoEvent handling.
EVENT_APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
HippoEvent application name used internally in configuration change HippoEvent handling.
EVENT_CATEGORY_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
HippoEvent category name used internally in configuration change HippoEvent handling.
evictData(Object) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceDataCache
Evict the mapping for this key from this cache if it is present.
EXCHANGE_HINT - Static variable in class
Key name for the exchange hint, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
ExchangeHint - Interface in
Extra message exchange hint representation for backend services.
ExchangeHintBuilder - Class in
Builder to help build ExchangeHint instance.
ExchangeHintBuilder() - Constructor for class


findResources(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String) - Method in class
findResources(String, String) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
findResources(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
findResources(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
findResources(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
findResources(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Search Resource representations from baseAbsPath and returns a parent Resource representation which contains a collection of child Resource representations.
fromCacheData(Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
Convert and restore back the given cacheData from the ResourceDataCache to a Resource object.
fromCacheData(Object) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCacheResolvable
Convert and restore back the given cacheData from the ResourceDataCache to a Resource object.


get(int) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCollection
Returns the resource element at the specified position in this resource collection.
get(Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractValueMap
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ValueMap
Get a named property and convert it into the given type.
get(String, T) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractValueMap
get(String, T) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ValueMap
Get a named property and convert it into the given type.
getCacheKey() - Method in interface
Return a cache key of this hint.
getChildCount() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns child resource count of this resource representation.
getChildCount() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns child resource count of this resource representation.
getChildren() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Return a ResourceCollection of child resource representations.
getChildren() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Return a ResourceCollection of child resource representations.
getChildren(long, long) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Return a ResourceCollection of child resource representations from offset index with limit count at max.
getCollection() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCollection
Returns a read-only collection over elements of type Resource.
getCurrentResourceSpace() - Static method in class
Return the current resource space name in the ResourceServiceBroker invocation.
getCurrentServletRequest() - Static method in class
Return the current request object if available.
getData(Object) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceDataCache
Finds a cached data object for a Resource representation from the underlying cache store by the given key.
getDefaultResourceServiceBroker() - Static method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices
getDefaultResourceServiceBroker(ComponentManager) - Static method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices
Returns the singleton ResourceServiceBroker instance from either componentManager or HippoServiceRegistry.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Resolves the default property value of this resource if available, or null if unavailable.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Resolves the default property value of this resource if available, or null if unavailable.
getDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Resolves the default property value of this resource if available and converts it into the given type, or null if unavailable.
getDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Resolves the default property value of this resource if available and converts it into the given type, or null if unavailable.
getInputStream() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Binary
Return input stream of this binary.
getMetadata() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns metadata ValueMap of this resource representation if there's any, or an empty value map if no metadata available.
getMethodName() - Method in interface
Return method name hint.
getModuleComponent(String) - Static method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices
getModuleComponent(ComponentManager, String) - Static method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices
Returns a component registered in CRISP HST Addon Module's ComponentManager.
getName() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns the name of this resource representation if there's any.
getName() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns the name of this resource representation if there's any.
getNodeData() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
getNodeData() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Return the underlying, internal node data that this Resource represents.
getParent() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns parent resource representation if there's any.
getParent() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns parent resource representation if there's any.
getPath() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns the path of this resource representation if there's any.
getPath() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns the path of this resource representation if there's any.
getRequest() - Method in interface
getRequestBody() - Method in interface
Return request body.
getRequestHeaders() - Method in interface
Return request headers map.
getResourceBeanMapper() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
getResourceBeanMapper() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
getResourceBeanMapper(String) - Method in class
getResourceBeanMapper(String) - Method in class
Returns a proper ResourceBeanMapper for the given resourceSpace.
getResourceBeanMapper(String) - Method in interface
Returns a proper ResourceBeanMapper for the given resourceSpace.
getResourceDataCache() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
Returns a ResourceDataCache that represents the underlying cache store.
getResourceDataCache() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCacheResolvable
Returns a ResourceDataCache that represents the underlying cache store.
getResourceDataCache(String) - Method in class
getResourceDataCache(String) - Method in class
Returns a proper resource cache store representation (ResourceDataCache) for the specified resourceSpace, or null if caching is disabled.
getResourceDataCache(String) - Method in interface
Returns a proper resource cache store representation (ResourceDataCache) for the specified resourceSpace, or null if caching is disabled.
getResourceLinkResolver() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Returns a domain-specific ResourceLinkResolver for a Resource representation generated by this ResourceResolver implementation.
getResourceLinkResolver() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Returns a domain-specific ResourceLinkResolver for a Resource representation generated by this ResourceResolver implementation.
getResourceResolver(String) - Method in class
Finds and returns a ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace.
getResourceResolver(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolverProvider
Returns a proper ResourceResolver by the given resource space name (resourceSpace).
getResourceResolverProvider() - Method in class
Returns ResourceResolverProvider that finds and returns a proper ResourceResolver.
getResourceType() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns the resource type name of this resource representation if there's any.
getResourceType() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns the resource type name of this resource representation if there's any.
getResponseBody() - Method in interface
Return response body.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in interface
Return response headers map.
getResponseStatusCode() - Method in interface
Return response status code.
getUri() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceLink
Returns a URI of this resource link representation.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Resolves a property value of this resource by the given relPath.
getValue(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Resolves a property value of this resource by the given relPath.
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Resolves a property value of this resource by the given relPath and converts it into the given type.
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Resolves a property value of this resource by the given relPath and converts it into the given type.
getValueMap() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns value map (type of ValueMap) of this resource representation if there's any, or an empty value map if no values available.


hasCurrentServletRequest() - Static method in class
Return true if the current request object if available.
hashCode() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap


isAnyChildContained() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns true if this resource representation contains any child resource representation.
isAnyChildContained() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns true if this resource representation contains any child resource representation.
isArray() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns true if this resource representation is purely for an array (e.g, JSON Array if underlying data is based on JSON).
isArray() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns true if this resource representation is purely for an array (e.g, JSON Array if underlying data is based on JSON).
isCacheable(Resource) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
Returns true if the given resource is cacheable.
isCacheable(Resource) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCacheResolvable
Returns true if the given resource is cacheable.
isCacheEnabled() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
Returns true if caching is enabled with this.
isCacheEnabled() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCacheResolvable
Returns true if caching is enabled with this.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
isLive() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Returns true if the ResourceResolver service for a backend is still alive.
isLive() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Returns true if the ResourceResolver service for a backend is still alive.
isNoCache() - Method in interface
Return true if the underlying ResourceResolver should disallow caching.
isResourceType(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResource
Returns true if this resource representation is typed and of the specific resourceType name.
isResourceType(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.Resource
Returns true if this resource representation is typed and of the specific resourceType name.


keySet() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap


map(Resource, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceBeanMapper
Map a Resource object to a bean of type.
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceBeanMapper
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceBeanMapper
Map the child resources of the ResourceCollection to a new collection of beanType to return.
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>, int, int) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceBeanMapper
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>, int, int) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceBeanMapper
Map the child resources of the ResourceCollection to a new collection of beanType to return.
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>, Collection<T>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceBeanMapper
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>, Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceBeanMapper
Map the child resources of the ResourceCollection and push them to the given targetBeanCollection of beanType.
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>, Collection<T>, int, int) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceBeanMapper
mapCollection(ResourceCollection, Class<T>, Collection<T>, int, int) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceBeanMapper
Map the child resources of the ResourceCollection and push them to the given targetBeanCollection of beanType from the offset index up to limit size at max.
methodName() - Method in class
Return method hint name
methodName(String) - Method in class
Set method hint name.
MODULE_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Node name of the CRISP module configuration node.
MODULE_NAME - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices
CRISP HST Addon Module name.


noCache() - Method in class
Return true if the underlying ResourceResolver should disallow caching.
noCache(boolean) - Method in class
Set the flag whether or not the underlying ResourceResolver should disallow caching.
NT_MODULE_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Node type name of the CRISP module configuration node.
NT_RESOURCE_RESOLVER - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Node type name of a CRISP ResourceResolver configuration node.
NT_RESOURCE_RESOLVER_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Node type name of the container node of all the CRISP ResourceResolver configuration nodes.


OPERATION_KEY - Static variable in class
Key name for an invoked operation name, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
OPERATION_KEY_FIND_RESOURCES - Static variable in class
Key name of AbstractResourceServiceBroker.OPERATION_KEY in AbstractResourceServiceBroker.findResources(String, String, Map) operation invocation, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
OPERATION_KEY_RESOLVE - Static variable in class
Key name of AbstractResourceServiceBroker.OPERATION_KEY in AbstractResourceServiceBroker.resolve(String, String, Map) operation invocation, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api - package org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api
This package provides APIs of Hippo Addon CRISP module. - package
This package provides Broker APIs of Hippo Addon CRISP module. - package
org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource - package org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
This package provides Resource APIs of Hippo Addon CRISP module.
org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module - package org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module
This package provides HST module related components and implementations of Hippo Addon CRISP module.


PATH_VARIABLES - Static variable in class
Key name for the path variables to be used in the physical invocation path (or URI) expansion, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
PROP_NAMES - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Property name of a CRISP ResourceResolver configuration node, containing property names that can be used as variables in the value of CrispConstants.BEAN_DEFINITION property.
PROP_VALUES - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Property name of a CRISP ResourceResolver configuration node, containing property values that can be used in variable interpolations in the value of CrispConstants.BEAN_DEFINITION property.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
putData(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceDataCache
Associates the specified cacheable data object for a Resource representation with the specified key in the underlying cache store.
putDataIfAbsent(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceDataCache
Associates the specified cacheable data object for a Resource representation with the specified key in the underlying cache store if it is not set already.


refresh() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Refreshes any local state changes, if any.
refresh() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Refreshes any local state changes, if any.
REGISTRY_MODULE_PATH - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
CRISP module configuration path in repository.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
request() - Method in class
request(Object) - Method in class
requestBody() - Method in class
Return request body object representation or request callback instance than can be understood by the backend.
requestBody(Object) - Method in class
Set request body object representation or request callback instance than can be understood by the backend
requestHeader(String, String...) - Method in class
Add request headers.
requestHeaders() - Method in class
Return request headers.
requestHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Reset request headers by the given new requestHeaders.
resolve(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String) - Method in class
resolve(String, String) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolve(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolve(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolve(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath.
resolve(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath with the optional exchangeHint.
resolve(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Resource representation by absPath with the optional exchangeHint.
resolve(Resource) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceLinkResolver
Resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource.
resolve(Resource) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceLinkResolver
Resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource.
resolve(Resource, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceLinkResolver
Resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource with passing linkVariables that can be used by implementation to expand its internal link generation template.
resolveBinary(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String) - Method in class
resolveBinary(String, String) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolveBinary(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolveBinary(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolveBinary(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinary(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
resolveBinaryAsResource(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and convert it to a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace, resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and converts the Binary representation into a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace, resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and converts the Binary representation into a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace, resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and converts the Binary representation into a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace, resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and converts the Binary representation into a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and convert it to a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, Map<String, Object>, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and convert it to a Resource.
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
resolveBinaryAsResource(String, ExchangeHint) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves single Binary representation by absPath, and convert it to a Resource.
resolveFullURI(String) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
resolveFullURI(String) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves a full URI determined and resolved for the absPath.
resolveFullURI(String, String) - Method in class
resolveFullURI(String, String) - Method in class
resolveFullURI(String, String) - Method in interface
Resolves a full URI determined and resolved for the specific resourceSpace and the absPath.
resolveFullURI(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolveFullURI(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolveFullURI(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Resolves a full URI determined and resolved for the specific resourceSpace and the absPath.
resolveFullURI(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
resolveFullURI(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceResolver
Resolves a full URI determined and resolved for the absPath.
resolveLink(String, Resource) - Method in class
resolveLink(String, Resource) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource.
resolveLink(String, Resource) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource.
resolveLink(String, Resource, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
resolveLink(String, Resource, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource with passing linkVariables that can be used by implementation to expand its internal link generation template.
resolveLink(String, Resource, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Resolves a proper ResourceResolver by the specified resourceSpace and resolves a ResourceLink for the given resource with passing linkVariables that can be used by implementation to expand its internal link generation template.
Resource - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Common Resource representation interface, reflecting any content such as JSON, XML, JCR, etc.
RESOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class
Key name for the relative resource path in an invocation, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
RESOURCE_RESOLVER_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Node name of the container node of all the CRISP ResourceResolver configuration nodes.
RESOURCE_SPACE - Static variable in class
Key name for the resource space name in an invocation, which can be used in cache key generation as an attribute name.
ResourceBeanMapper - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Mapper to convert a Resource object to a bean.
ResourceCacheResolvable - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
An abstraction responsible for the following: to return a ResourceDataCache as a cache store of resource representations, to be able to check whether or not a specific Resource representation is cacheable, to convert a Resource representation to a cacheable data object to be stored in ResourceDataCache, and to convert a cached data object back to a Resource representation.
ResourceCollection - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Read-only Iterable interface with some read-only Collection/List operations such as size() or get(int).
ResourceDataCache - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Abstraction that represents the underlying cache store.
ResourceException - Exception in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
The ResourceException class defines a general exception that any CRISP Resource operations can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
ResourceException() - Constructor for exception org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceException
Constructs a new Resource exception.
ResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceException
Constructs a new Resource exception with the given message.
ResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceException
Constructs a new Resource exception with the given message and a nested exception.
ResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceException
Constructs a new Resource exception with the nested exception.
ResourceLink - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Resource link representation.
ResourceLinkResolver - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Responsible for resolving a link (type of ResourceLink) for a Resource representation.
ResourceResolver - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Responsible for resolving Resource(s).
ResourceResolverProvider - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
Responsible for providing a ResourceResolver.
ResourceServiceBroker - Interface in
CRISP Resource Service Broker abstraction.
ResourceServiceBrokerRequestContext - Class in
Provides an access method to the current request object if available.


setCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
Sets flag whether or not this is enabled with caching.
setCurrentResourceSpace(String) - Static method in class
Set the current resource space name in the ResourceServiceBroker invocation.
setCurrentServletRequest(ServletRequest) - Static method in class
Set the current request object if available.
setNoCache(boolean) - Method in interface
Set flag whether or not the underlying ResourceResolver should disallow caching.
setResourceDataCache(ResourceDataCache) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
setResourceLinkResolver(ResourceLinkResolver) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceResolver
setResourceResolverProvider(ResourceResolverProvider) - Method in class
Sets ResourceResolverProvider that finds and returns a proper ResourceResolver.
setResponseBody(Object) - Method in interface
Set response body.
setResponseHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface
Set response headers map.
setResponseStatusCode(int) - Method in interface
Set response status code.
SITE_SCOPES - Static variable in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.CrispConstants
Property name of a CRISP ResourceResolver configuration node, defines a resource scope Valid values are - platform (for CMS & PLATFORM app types) and site name.
size() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
size() - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCollection
Returns the number of elements in this resource collection.


toCacheData(Resource) - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.AbstractResourceCacheResolvable
Convert the given resource to a cacheable data object to be stored in ResourceDataCache.
toCacheData(Resource) - Method in interface org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.ResourceCacheResolvable
Convert the given resource to a cacheable data object to be stored in ResourceDataCache.
toUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
Returns an unmodifiable view of this ValueMap


ValueMap - Interface in org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource
ValueMap is an easy way to access properties or metadata of a resource.
values() - Method in class org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.api.resource.DefaultValueMap
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