Annotation Interface DropDownList

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface DropDownList
Indicates that the value of the annotated method should be selected from a drop-down list. The available options in the drop-down list are specified as an array of Strings.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String[] value
      Static list of options to show in the drop-down list. The selected option value is converted from a String to the return type of the annotated method.
      the options to show in the drop-down list.
    • valueListProvider

      @Deprecated Class<? extends ValueListProvider> valueListProvider
      use valueListProviderKey instead. Dynamic value list provider class that can return a list of options to show in the drop-down list dynamically from any data sources. The selected option value is converted from a String to the return type
      dynamic value list provider class that can return a list of options to show in the drop-down list dynamically from any data sources.
    • valueListProviderKey

      String valueListProviderKey
      Dynamic value list provider key that can be used to get a ValueListProvider instance from the ValueListProviderService. That instance will return a list of options to show in the drop-down list dynamically from any data sources. The selected option value is converted from a String to the return type of the annotated method.
      dynamic value list provider class that can return a list of options to show in the drop-down list dynamically from any data sources.