Annotation Interface ImageSetPath

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface ImageSetPath
Indicates that the annotated method returns the absolute path to the handle of an image set. This annotation should only be used on public getter methods. This annotation should only be used on ChannelInfo parameters, it shouldn't be used on Component parameters (ParamInfo).
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The root path of the CMS configuration to use for the image picker dialog, relative to '/hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms'.
    The initial path to use in the CMS image picker if nothing has been selected yet.
    Whether the image picker remembers the last visited folder and image.
    Types of nodes to be able to select in the CMS image picker.
    The variant in the image set to use as the preview image in the CMS (i.e.
  • Element Details

    • previewVariant

      String previewVariant
      The variant in the image set to use as the preview image in the CMS (i.e. the CND child node name). By default an empty string is returned, which means "use the primary item". If the given variant cannot be found, the primary item is used instead.
      the CND name of the image set variant to use as the preview image in the CMS.
    • pickerConfiguration

      String pickerConfiguration
      The root path of the CMS configuration to use for the image picker dialog, relative to '/hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms'. The default picker configuration is 'cms-pickers/images'.
      the root path of the CMS configuration to use for the image picker dialog, relative to '/hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms'.
    • pickerInitialPath

      String pickerInitialPath
      The initial path to use in the CMS image picker if nothing has been selected yet. Use the path to a folder to initially open the image picker dialog in that folder. Use the path to the handle of an image set to preselect that image set.
      the initial path to use in the CMS image picker, or an empty string if the default initial path of the image picker should be used.
    • pickerRemembersLastVisited

      boolean pickerRemembersLastVisited
      Whether the image picker remembers the last visited folder and image. The default is 'true'.
      whether the image picker remembers the last visited folder and image.
    • pickerSelectableNodeTypes

      String[] pickerSelectableNodeTypes
      Types of nodes to be able to select in the CMS image picker. The default node type is 'hippogallery:imageset'.
      the node types to be able to select in the CMS image picker.