All Classes and Interfaces

Utility class for implementing the IDialogService.Dialog interface.
The abstract file upload widget.
Attribute modifier for listing plugins.
Base class for displaying a list of nodes.
AbstractProvider<T,M extends org.apache.wicket.model.IModel>
Provider that enumerates a list of models based on a JcrItemModel.
Utility class that bundles a lot of the functionality needed for visual plugins.
This class is deprecated since 13.1.
Base class for AbstractDefaultAjaxBehaviors that want to use YUI modules.
Base class for behaviors that want to use YUI modules.
The file upload behavior to handle uploads sent by ajax requests.
JavaBean containing the settings of the Navigation Application.
This class encapsulates various settings for AutoCompleteBehavior
This plugin is deprecated since 10.0.x and replaced by the NodeBreadcrumbWidget.
An implementation of IBrowseService that also exposes two model services, for document and folder, that represent the state of the "browser".
Formats numeric byte values into human-readable strings.
JCR image that can be cached by the browser.
An IDataProvider that provides a list of models for child nodes, based on a IFieldDescriptor and a JcrNodeModel.
Utility to set, add and remove CSS classes of Wicket components.
Resource model that uses the wicket string resource locator mechanism, but not limited to Components.
References to icons that are only available in the CMS (as opposed to icons in Icon that are coming from the Hippo Theme).
Logs the current user out of the CMS.
Add this Behavior to a Perspective to add an iframe that communicates with the cms using the navigation application communication library.
Please directly extend from RenderPlugin.
Use ClassAttribute instead
Utility for printing java date objects using the java.time classes.
Utility for printing java date objects using the java.time classes.
This plugin is loaded from configuration.
The default implementation of FileUploadPreProcessorService.
Gallery processor that puts a resized version of the image in the primary item and populates other resource child nodes with the original.
The default HTML diff service using DiffHelper.diffHtml(String, String, javax.xml.transform.Result, java.util.Locale)
Base manager for showing a dialog.
The dialog service factory wraps access to the dialog service to make sure that a dialog is closed when the plugin that opened it is stopped.
References to document list columns.
A dialog that shows document metadata.
Sets parameters used to send a UsageEvent.
Helper methods for implementing editors and editor factories.
Adds the Hippo ExtJs theme CSS to the header.
An Ext widget an Ext component that is not instantiated when rendered.
Central registry for the configuration of Ext widgets.
The order of the enums is relevant, it determines the order of the feedback messages.
Identifies on which level validation feedback should be reported
This panel contributes the JavaScript template that is used by jQuery-File-Upload to show which files were just uploaded and can be downloaded.
Contributes all JS resources needed by the JQuery-File-Upload
Class to store file information prior uploading
The panel utilizing SingleFileUploadWidget to upload a single file automatically upon selection.
This interface represents a service that will be processed when a file is being uploaded to the CMS.
This panel contributes the JavaScript template that is used by jQuery-File-Upload to show which files are scheduled for upload.
Exception containing violation messages in uploading files
The multi-files upload widget.
This interface defines the node types and item names that are in use by the Hippo CMS frontend build on top of the Hippo Repository.
Validate if the date value is in the future.
Exception thrown when the image processor processes the image.
Global settings for all available applications.
Strategy to find the id of the handle of a node.
The HippoForm is used to manually clear old feedback messages prior processing because org.hippoecm.frontend.plugins.cms.root.RootPlugin#RootPlugin configured to keep all feedback messages after each request cycle.
A stack of Hippo icons rendered on top of each other.
This model ensures the value is surrounded with ..value.. This is required by the DiffHelper.diffHtml method.
IBrowseService<T extends org.apache.wicket.model.IModel>
The browser service provides clients (plugins) the means to select a model in "the browser".
Descriptor of a cluster of plugins.
A controller for a cluster of plugins.
Validator service interface.
References to icons.
Utility class for rendering icons.
Icon types (sizes) used.
Class that implements this interface should be able to do one thing: close a visible contextmenu
Marker interface for IContextMenuManager Components.
Interface for services that can process request parameters.
Strategy for determining the identifier used in a UsageEvent
A service that displays modal dialogs.
Interface that must be implemented by clients of the dialog service.
Interface that represents an editor for a particular document.
Callback interface to be used when instantiating an IEditor using the EditorFactory.
Interface to intercept editor lifecycle events.
IEditorOpenListener can be registered with an IEditorManager in order to be called back when IEditorManager opens an editor.
Event generated by an IObservable.
The field descriptor contains the meta information of a field in a type.
Interface implemented by the CMS validation mechanism to enable custom validators to check values and report violations.
Provider of content locale information.
Description of a content locale.
This class extends a Binary class with extra information regarding images: filename, mimetype and color model.
Not used any more, deprecated since 14.7.0, will be dropped in next major
Generic image manipulation utility methods.
The available strategies for scaling images.
IModelProvider<T extends org.apache.wicket.model.IModel>
Service interface for sharing models.
Event that's sent to IObservers of the service.
Variable interpolation utility, replacing a text with variable references by resolved values.
Exception thrown when the MimeTypeHelper validates mime type
Runtime exception representing the JCR session is invalid.
Interface implemented by observable objects.
The context representing the observer registry to the observable.
This interface defines the contract for a service that updates its internal state in response to changes in an observable object (IObservable).
Marker interface for classes that can be instantiated as a plugin.
The plugin configuration.
The plugin application configuration service.
The main interface for a plugin to communicate with other plugins.
Opens a popup window for a URL.
This interface defines the contract for a service that can update its internal state.
The service interface that is used to create Component hierarchies.
IServiceFactory<S extends>
A service factory intercepts access to a service.
IServiceReference<T extends>
A reference to a service.
IServiceTracker<S extends>
The service tracker interface makes service registry events accessible to plugins.
The settings service provides plugin access to global settings and factories.
Store and retrieve objects.
Base class for models that can provide objects based on an JCR Item.
Title decorator.
Service that provides icons for nodes in the CMS folder tree.
The description of a (JCR) type.
A type store makes type descriptors available.
Custom Upload Processor interface.
The model that is constructed during validation.
The validation service validates models.
Base wireframe interface, allows wireframes that are linked to their parent to register with their parent through the Wicket component tree model.
This interface is used to render the following header elements: YUI-modules, javascript sources, css stylesheets, on-dom-load/on-win-load scripts, DynamicTextTemplates and FinalTextTemplates.
IYuiManager implementations will be used as a service for creating IYuiContext instances.
Bean implementation of the IFieldDescriptor interface.
Configuration service for plugin clusters.
Creates a model from a container model, using a ModelPath.
Helper class for common jcr operations
Model for JCR Items.
Model of a multiple property with a Collection as object.
The model for a JCR Node.
A base class for implementing object content mapping.
The JCR backed implementation of the plugin configuration.
Model of a property value.
Data provider that uses a JCR Query object to retrieve nodes.
Comparator implementation based on display names of folder or document nodes.
Comparator implementation based on physical JCR node names.
The multi-files upload dialog using jQuery File Upload plugin
A model binding to a value object identified by the key object in the map
Elemental change in an array of values.
Creates the default link picker dialog configuration for a hippo:mirror field with the given value model.
Definition of a column in a ListDataTable.
A datatable with sorting, pagination, selection notification.
Utility base class for list render services.
An Exception class indicating that a user provided incorrect login details
A file item that resolves the mime-type using Apache Tika.
Constructs a new MagicMimeTypeFileItem instance.
A factory for creating MagicMimeTypeFileItem instances.
Builds a new MagicMimeTypeFileItemFactory instance.
Exception that is thrown when (un)marshalling a bean fails.
use ModalDialog instead
Callback for close button that contains a method that is invoked after the button has been clicked.
Mask is the element behind the window, that prevents user from interacting the rest of page.
Interface for lazy page creation.
Callback called after the window has been closed.
Path to a value that maintains references to IFieldDescriptors.
Path element in a ModelPath.
The default implementation of the IModelReference service interface.
Represents a Navigation Application menu help link.
Provides utility methods for NavApp related properties of Perspectives
Represents a Navigation Application resource.
Represents the possible logger levels of the ngx logger service.
This gallery processor does not perform any additional processing on a gallery node.
Implementation of IObservable that monitors another observable.
An IModel that is observable by plugins.
A property model that observes an observable target.
A JCR tree model implementation that can be shared by multiple tree instances.
Special purpose WireframeBehavior that automatically binds itself to the document body and creates a wireframe that takes up the full viewport and is registered as the root of the applications wireframe structure.
This interface is the java alternative of the NavLocation typescript interface defined in the bloomreach navigation application.
This class modifies the dom to append javascript when any method of the ParentApi interface is called.
Component that pings the server regularly preventing unwanted session-timeouts.
Base class for plugins.
Extension of Wicket's AjaxRequestTarget that filters the list of Components that have been added.
Describes property of a plugin.
Provider of JcrPropertyValueModels, based on a JcrItemModel for a Property.
Utility base class for GUI plugins.
JCR Repository runtime exception in frontend application
Runtime exception representing the status that there's no available JCR repository.
Wicket Request related utilities.
Exception thrown when the resource helper validates resource data.
Resource helper for creating and validating nodes of type hippo:resource
This behavior adds a right-click event-handler to the component.
Creates a scaled version of an image.
Parameters for a scaling operation: the width and height of the bounding box, and whether to do upscaling or not.
A ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter filter that is scope aware.
Represents a javascript action.
Wrapper class for IPluginContext that keeps a record of what services and trackers are registered and what clusters are started.
ServiceTracker<S extends>
Service tracker implementation that is aware of it's class.
Create an unique instance of jquery-file-upload widget.
The single-file-upload widget using jquery-file-upload
Load a single representative for each set of variants of a document.
Type choice renderer that sorts the types alphabetically by the translated value of the type using the default Collator for the current CMS locale.
Renders an icon from the SVG sprite in a list cell.
Standard attributes of a hippostd:publishable document.
Utility to set, add and remove style attributes of Wicket components.
Plugin that manages a number of IRenderServices using a tabbing interface.
Utility to set, add and remove title attributes of Wicket components.
Use TitleAttribute instead
Usage tracing/monitoring utility.
Marker class for translation lookup
Renders a YUI-treeview:
This class encapsulates various settings for TreeBehavior
Compares two objects for equality based on their content.
Adds a CSS class and 'title' attribute to a type icon that reflects the state of the type.
The TypeLocator finds the ITypeDescriptor for a particular type, given a number of IStores.
Standard attributes of a hipposysedit:templatetype node related to the state of the type.
This behavior stores the component id as it's markupId in the UnitSettings and if the request rendering this behavior is an Ajax-request, it will force the whole wireframe to re-render (since this unit might be added to an already existing wireframe).
Special purpose Plugin that allows us to add the behavior through configuration instead of adding it in code to our component.
Contains all settings of a YUI unit.
The payload class used by wicket events to notify feedback messages changes from wicket fields to parent components.
This class represents the file that is being uploaded.
A Wicket Session that maintains a reference to a JCR Session.
JavaBean containing the settings of a logged in user.
Exception thrown during validation.
Validation constraint violation.
This is the base behavior needed for developing Wicket applications using the YUI framework developed by Hippo.
Setting for WebAppBehavior.
A dialog that shows where a document is used, i.e.
The WireframeBehavior allows you to create cross-browser application layouts based on the YUI Layout Manager.
Special purpose Plugin that allows us to add the behavior through configuration instead of adding it in code to our component.
Contains all settings of a wireframe and it's units.
Exception to notify same-name-siblings error
The YuiContext uses the shared YuiHeaderCache service for loading/caching YUI-modules and header contributions.
Semi-fork of YUI DateTimeField from Wicket extensions.
A Wicket Ajax request can generate a response containing additional javascript and css resources to be loaded on the client.
The YuiId allows for transparent element id resolution, without having to worry about id clashes on the client.
Helper class for retrieving an IYuiManager from the provided IPluginContext and an IPluginConfig instance with name "yui.config" from the provided IPluginConfig parent.