Package org.hippoecm.frontend.plugins.yui.layout
package org.hippoecm.frontend.plugins.yui.layout
ClassDescriptionBase wireframe interface, allows wireframes that are linked to their parent to register with their parent through the Wicket component tree model.Special purpose
that automatically binds itself to the document body and creates a wireframe that takes up the full viewport and is registered as the root of the applications wireframe structure.This behavior stores the component id as it's markupId in theUnitSettings
and if the request rendering this behavior is an Ajax-request, it will force the whole wireframe to re-render (since this unit might be added to an already existing wireframe).Special purposePlugin
that allows us to add the behavior through configuration instead of adding it in code to our component.Contains all settings of a YUI unit.The WireframeBehavior allows you to create cross-browser application layouts based on the YUI Layout Manager.Special purposePlugin
that allows us to add the behavior through configuration instead of adding it in code to our component.Contains all settings of a wireframe and it's units.The YuiId allows for transparent element id resolution, without having to worry about id clashes on the client.