Interface AccessControlAllowHeadersService

public interface AccessControlAllowHeadersService
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a comma separate String of the acces control allowed headers, removing duplicates
    setAllowedHeaders(String module, List<String> allowedHeaders)
    Since every downstream project can contribute access control allowed headers, we keep them separate by module : The reason is that if the allowed headers for a module change, it can just set them again without the module having to know what the previous contributed allowed header was
  • Method Details

    • getAllowedHeadersString

      String getAllowedHeadersString()
      Returns a comma separate String of the acces control allowed headers, removing duplicates
    • getAllAllowedHeaders

      Map<String,List<String>> getAllAllowedHeaders()
      all the access control allowed headers. The returned List objects are immutable
    • getAllowedHeaders

      List<String> getAllowedHeaders(String module)
      the immutable list of access control allowed headers for module
    • setAllowedHeaders

      void setAllowedHeaders(String module, List<String> allowedHeaders)

      Since every downstream project can contribute access control allowed headers, we keep them separate by module : The reason is that if the allowed headers for a module change, it can just set them again without the module having to know what the previous contributed allowed header was

      module - the module that contributed these allowed headers, for example 'targeting'
      allowedHeaders - the allowed headers contributed by the module, not allowed to be null