Interface DocumentTranslationsService

public interface DocumentTranslationsService
Service to retrieve translations based on translation ids by which documents and folders are linked.

This service on purpose does not return Node instances since the service is typically backed by a system session and by returning Node instances this system session would become available by users of this service which is not desirable.

  • Method Details

    • getTranslations

      Set<String> getTranslations(String translationId)
      Get the translations, i.e. Locale strings, for a certain translationId
      translationId - the translationId to find locales
      a set of Locale strings for all the nodes that have their translation id equal to translationId
    • getTranslationNodeIds

      Set<UUID> getTranslationNodeIds(String translationId)
      Get the UUIDs of nodes for a certain translationId
      translationId - the translationId to find locales
      a set of UUIDs for all the nodes that have their translation id equal to translationId
    • getTranslationNodeId

      UUID getTranslationNodeId(String translationId, String locale)
      Get the UUID of a node for a certain translationId and locale
      translationId - the translationId to find locales
      locale - the locale as String
      the UUID of the node that has its translation id equal to translationId and locale equal to locale or null if no such node exists