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Optional brUid2

brUid2: undefined | string

The visitor's ID for brSM API calls.

Optional connector

connector: undefined | string

If you want to use a different connector other than brsm for the search, pass in the connector ID.

Optional params

params: undefined | ParamInput[]

Optional extra parameters that can be used by the backend.

Optional smAccountId

smAccountId: undefined | string

The 'account_id' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API calls if provided.

Optional smAuthKey

smAuthKey: undefined | string

The 'auth_key' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API calls if provided.

Optional smCatalogViews

smCatalogViews: undefined | string

The 'catalog_views' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API v2 calls if provided.

Optional smDomainKey

smDomainKey: undefined | string

The 'domain_key' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API calls if provided.

Optional smViewId

smViewId: undefined | string

'view_id' parameter value to override in brSM API calls.


text: string

Search term input value

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