Category ID to search by.
Extra custom attribute field names.
Extra custom variant attribute field names.
Optional extra custom variant attribute field name representing the product variant's list price data.
Optional extra custom variant attribute field name representing the product variant's purchase price data.
Facet field filter(s).
The maximum item count in the search result.
Optional extra parameters that can be used by the backend.
Product ID array to search by.
Initial keyword to search products by.
The 'account_id' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API calls if provided.
The 'auth_key' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API calls if provided.
The 'catalog_views' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API v2 calls if provided.
The 'domain_key' parameter value to be passed to the brSM API calls if provided.
'view_id' parameter value to override in brSM API calls.
Sorting fields separated by comma. Prefix by '-' for descending order. e.g. '-purchasePrice'.
Optional store key information which may provide the context the customers shop in
The identifier of the widget.
The widget type. i.e. one of ['item', 'category', 'keyword', 'personalized', 'global'].
Generated using TypeDoc
The visitor's ID for brSM API calls.