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  • LoginParams



attrs?: Record<string, string>

Extra attributes for the login user

country?: string

Visitor/Customer country

currency?: string

Visitor/Customer currency

locale?: string

Visitor/Customer locales

mergeWithExistingCustomerCart?: boolean

A boolean to indicate whether or not to merge the old cart with the customer's existing cart. Set to false to replace the existing cart instead of merging. To be used together with oldCartId. Default to true.

oldCartId?: string

ID of the cart to merge with/replace the customer's existing cart. Usually this is the anonymous cart's ID. To be used together with mergeWithExistingCustomerCart. If no oldCartId is provided, mergeWithExistingCustomerCart will be ignored.

password?: string

Password of the customer.

type?: string

Authentication type.

Currently two types of authentication are supported:

  • Standard authentication based on username and password. In this case you don't need to specify the type param.
  • Token Refresh, based on the existing token. In this case you need to specify 'refresh' as the value.

Please note that the token refresh is only possible if the GraphQL Service TOKEN_REFRESH_ENABLED property is set to true and the commerce backend supports refresh token grant/flow: only then it is possible to refresh the store user session.

username?: string

Username of the customer. Usually this is the email address.

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