Interface IDialogService.Dialog

    • Method Detail

      • render

        void render​(PluginRequestTarget target)
        Part of the pre-rendering registration. When the dialog has components that should be rendered, they can be registered with the target.

        Implementations must invoke IRenderService.render(PluginRequestTarget) on render services that contribute to the wicket component hierarchy.

      • getComponent

        org.apache.wicket.Component getComponent()
        a component with wicket id "content"
      • getTitle

        org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<String> getTitle()
        The title of the dialog. Will be displayed in the dialog border.
      • onClose

        void onClose()
        Invoked when the dialog is closed. Since the dialog will be decorated with a close button (X), this method may be called even when the dialog is not explicitly closed via IDialogService.close().
      • getProperties

        org.apache.wicket.util.value.IValueMap getProperties()
        Properties that determine how the dialog is rendered. In particular, the width and height properties are used for the size (in pixels).
      • onCancelFromCloseButton

        default void onCancelFromCloseButton()
        Invoked when the built-in close button (X) is clicked. In general, clicking the close button (X) is considered similar to cancelling a dialog. As such, to be able to invoke the correct ScriptAction in Dialog.onClose() we have to inform the dialog that it is actually cancelled, before closing it.

        A default implementation is provided to maintain backwards compatibility with custom dialogs that directly implement interface IDialogService.Dialog instead of extending class Dialog.
