Interface HstComponentWindow

  • public interface HstComponentWindow
    HST Component Window. This interface represents a fragment window of a page which is generated by a HstComponent.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        The name of the component window.
        the name of the component window
      • getReferenceName

        String getReferenceName()
        The reference name of the component window.
        the reference name of the component window
      • getReferenceNamespace

        String getReferenceNamespace()
        The reference namespace of the component window.
        the reference namespace of the component window
      • getComponentName

        String getComponentName()
        The HstComponent name. Normally the component name is fully qualified class name.
        the HstComponent name
      • getParametersInfoClassName

        String getParametersInfoClassName()
        if configured, the fully-qualified class name of the interface representing ParametersInfo for a component, and otherwise null.
      • getComponent

        HstComponent getComponent()
        The actual HstComponent instance.
        the actual HstComponent instance
      • getComponentMetadata

        HstComponentMetadata getComponentMetadata()
        The metadata of the actual HstComponent class.
        the metadata of the actual HstComponent class.
      • hasComponentExceptions

        boolean hasComponentExceptions()
        Whether it has component exceptions or not
      • getComponentExceptions

        List<HstComponentException> getComponentExceptions()
        The component exceptions during initialization or runtime.
        the possible component exception list
      • addComponentExcpetion

        void addComponentExcpetion​(HstComponentException e)
        Adds a component exceptions during initialization or runtime.
      • clearComponentExceptions

        void clearComponentExceptions()
        Adds a component exceptions during initialization or runtime.
      • getRenderPath

        String getRenderPath()
        The dispatching path path to render this component window.
        the dispatching path to render this component window
      • getNamedRenderer

        String getNamedRenderer()
        the name of the renderer, when using named servlet. Returns null when getRenderPath() does not return null
        See Also:
      • getServeResourcePath

        String getServeResourcePath()
        The dispatching path path to serve resource in this component window.
        the dispatching path to serve resource in this component window
      • getParentWindow

        HstComponentWindow getParentWindow()
        The parent component window containing this component window.
        the component window containing this component window, or null when there is no parent window
      • getChildWindowMap

        Map<String,​HstComponentWindow> getChildWindowMap()
        The child component windows contained in this component window.
        the component windows contained in this component window
      • getChildWindowNames

        List<String> getChildWindowNames()
        The child component window names contained in this component window.
        the component window names contained in this component window
      • getChildWindow

        HstComponentWindow getChildWindow​(String name)
        The child component window which can be accessed by the name.
        name - the name of the child component window
        the child component window which has the referenceName
      • getChildWindowByReferenceName

        HstComponentWindow getChildWindowByReferenceName​(String referenceName)
        The child component window which can be accessed by the reference name.
        referenceName - the referenceName of the child component window
        the child component window which has the referenceName
      • bindResponseState

        void bindResponseState​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                               javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse parentResponse)
        Creates and binds the HstResponseState to this HstComponentWindow. After this method has been invoked, getResponseState() will return the bound HstResponseState. If bindResponseState(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) gets invoked for a second (or more) time, the method won't change any state and directly return
        request - the HttpServletRequest request
        parentResponse - the HttpServletResponse response of the parent window or in case of the root window the http response of the container
      • getResponseState

        HstResponseState getResponseState()
        Returns the response state of this component window.
      • setAttribute

        void setAttribute​(String name,
                          Object value)
      • getPageErrorHandlerClassName

        String getPageErrorHandlerClassName()
        the fully classified className of the class implementing PageErrorHandler
      • removeChildWindow

        void removeChildWindow​(HstComponentWindow window)
        removes the window from the child windows if exists and otherwise does nothing
        window - the window to remove