Class RenderPlugin<T>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected org.apache.wicket.Component newPlugin​(String id, String name)  
      protected org.apache.wicket.Component newPlugin​(String id, IPluginConfig config)
      Create a child Component with a specified id and configuration.
      protected void onStart()
      Called during the start phase of the plugin.
      protected void onStop()
      Called during the stop phase of the plugin.
      void render​(PluginRequestTarget target)
      Called after user events and JCR events have been handled, but before the rendering has started.
      void start()
      This method can be implemented by plugins to delay part of the initialization until subclasses have finished their construction.
      void stop()
      Release references to external resources.
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel

        getRegionMarkup, newMarkupSourcingStrategy
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer

        getWebApplication, getWebPage, getWebRequest, getWebResponse, getWebSession
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer

        add, addDequeuedComponent, addOrReplace, autoAdd, canDequeueTag, contains, dequeue, dequeue, dequeuePreamble, findChildComponent, findComponentToDequeue, get, getAssociatedMarkup, getAssociatedMarkupStream, getMarkup, getMarkupType, internalAdd, internalInitialize, iterator, iterator, newDequeueContext, onDetach, onInitialize, onRender, queue, remove, remove, removeAll, renderAll, renderAssociatedMarkup, renderAssociatedMarkup, renderNext, replace, size, stream, streamChildren, toString, toString, visitChildren, visitChildren
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Component

        add, addStateChange, beforeRender, canCallListener, canCallListenerAfterExpiry, checkComponentTag, checkComponentTagAttribute, checkHierarchyChange, clearOriginalDestination, configure, continueToOriginalDestination, createConverter, debug, detach, detachModel, detachModels, determineVisibility, error, exceptionMessage, fatal, findMarkupStream, findPage, findParent, findParentWithAssociatedMarkup, getAjaxRegionMarkupId, getApplication, getBehaviorById, getBehaviorId, getBehaviors, getBehaviors, getClassRelativePath, getConverter, getDefaultModel, getDefaultModelObject, getDefaultModelObjectAsString, getDefaultModelObjectAsString, getEscapeModelStrings, getFeedbackMessages, getFlag, getInnermostModel, getInnermostModel, getLocale, getLocalizer, getMarkup, getMarkupAttributes, getMarkupId, getMarkupIdFromMarkup, getMarkupIdImpl, getMarkupSourcingStrategy, getMarkupTag, getMetaData, getModelComparator, getOutputMarkupId, getOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag, getPage, getPageRelativePath, getParent, getPath, getRenderBodyOnly, getRequest, getRequestCycle, getRequestFlag, getResponse, getSizeInBytes, getStatelessHint, getString, getString, getString, getStyle, hasBeenRendered, hasErrorMessage, hasFeedbackMessage, info, initModel, internalOnModelChanged, internalRenderComponent, internalRenderHead, isActionAuthorized, isAuto, isBehaviorAccepted, isEnableAllowed, isEnabled, isEnabledInHierarchy, isIgnoreAttributeModifier, isInitialized, isRenderAllowed, isRendering, isStateless, isVersioned, isVisibilityAllowed, isVisible, isVisibleInHierarchy, markRendering, modelChanged, modelChanging, onConfigure, onEvent, onModelChanged, onModelChanging, onReAdd, onRemove, redirectToInterceptPage, remove, remove, render, renderComponentTag, rendered, renderHead, renderPart, renderPlaceholderTag, replaceComponentTagBody, replaceWith, sameInnermostModel, sameInnermostModel, send, setAuto, setDefaultModelObject, setEnabled, setEscapeModelStrings, setFlag, setIgnoreAttributeModifier, setMarkup, setMarkupId, setMarkupIdImpl, setMetaData, setOutputMarkupId, setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag, setParent, setRenderBodyOnly, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setVersioned, setVisibilityAllowed, setVisible, success, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlForListener, urlForListener, visitParents, visitParents, warn, wrap
      • Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.IQueueRegion

        dequeue, newDequeueContext
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public final void start()
        Description copied from interface: IPlugin
        This method can be implemented by plugins to delay part of the initialization until subclasses have finished their construction.
        Specified by:
        start in interface IPlugin
      • stop

        public final void stop()
        Description copied from interface: IPlugin
        Release references to external resources. It is not necessary to unregister services or trackers; this is handled by the framework.
        Specified by:
        stop in interface IPlugin
      • onStart

        protected void onStart()
        Called during the start phase of the plugin. Services and trackers that were registered during construction have been made available to other plugins.

        NOTE* If you override this, you *must* call super.onStop() within your implementation.

      • onStop

        protected void onStop()
        Called during the stop phase of the plugin.

        NOTE* If you override this, you *must* call super.onStop() within your implementation.

      • render

        public void render​(PluginRequestTarget target)
        Description copied from class: AbstractRenderService
        Called after user events and JCR events have been handled, but before the rendering has started. Plugins can register Components with the request target to enlist in the rendering phase.

        Implementations that use extensions must call the same method on those.

        Specified by:
        render in interface IRenderService
        render in class AbstractRenderService<T>
      • newPlugin

        protected org.apache.wicket.Component newPlugin​(String id,
                                                        IPluginConfig config)
        Create a child Component with a specified id and configuration. A cluster that contains the configured plugin is started. The component from the render service of the plugin is returned, or null if no such service is available.

        Only one plugin can be created with a specific component id. When a plugin is created for an id that was already used before, the old plugin is stopped.

        The created plugin inherits configuration from this render plugin.

        id - the Wicket id of the Component
        config -
        a Component when the configuration specifies a plugin that registers an IRenderService under its "" key, or null when the plugin does not.
      • newPlugin

        protected org.apache.wicket.Component newPlugin​(String id,
                                                        String name)