
Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="hst-core-tags" uri="http://www.hippoecm.org/jsp/hst/core" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:hst-core-tags="http://www.hippoecm.org/jsp/hst/core" />

HST Core Tag Library

Tag Library Information
Display NameNone
Short Namehst-core-tags

Tag Summary
includeA HstComponent can include the content of its child HstComponent with this tag. If the 'var' attribute is missing, child content will be directly written to the location of this hst:include tag. If 'var' attribute is defined, the output will be stored in the variable define by 'var'.
paramThis param tag can be nested into 'link', 'renderURL' and 'actionURL' to provide parameters.
renderURLA HstComponent can make a render URL with this tag with adding some parameters. This renderURL will invoke the current page with different parameters for the HstComponent including this tag.
actionURLA HstComponent can make a action URL with this tag. This tag is often used for building a form action URL. This actionURL will invoke the current page with submitting the parameters to the HstComponent including this tag.
resourceURLA HstComponent can make a resource URL with this tag with resource ID. This resourceURL will invoke the current page with the resourceID for the HstComponent including this tag.
componentRenderingURLThis tag creates a URL for rendering a single hst component
linkThis tag creates links. It knows whether to include or exclude the contextpath and servletpath. The attributes 'link' and 'node' get the current servletpath in their result, the 'path' attribute does *not* get the servletpath. The reasoning is that the 'path' attribute is used for static links, like for css and images. You should use one of the three attributes (link|path|node) within one tag, and not more then one. If you do not specify the 'var' attribute, the output is directly written. Otherwise, the value is stored in the var attribute. If you only specify a hst:link (with or without var), you get a hst link for the current URL
webfileThis tag creates links to web files. If you do not specify the 'var' attribute, the output is directly written. Otherwise, the value is stored in the var attribute. A webfile tag can only create links if there is a sitemap item that contains hst:refId = 'WEB-FILES-ID' and hst:namedPipeline = 'WebFilePipeline', and the sitemap item is not allowed to have wildcards in its path (thus in its own name or one of its ancestors)
sitemapitemThis sitemapitem tag can nested into a hst link tag to provide a preferred sitemap item to create the link for. You can define the preferred sitemap item by choosing one (no more) of these attributes: preferItem, preferItemId, or preferPath. Optionally add a fallback attr which is a boolean true or false. Default fallback is true
facetnavigationlinkThis tag can be used in faceted navigation as a helper. You can use the 'remove' attribute to remove a chosen facet-value combination from the current link. It returns a link according the 'link' tag described above
manageContentThis tag can be used to create an HTML comment snippet that contains information about the manage content link in the cms. Only in preview mode, the tag can output something. In live, it will be ignored.
cmseditmenuThis tag can be used to show in the channel manager in the CMS a menu to edit. This tag won't output anything when not in cms channel manager preview. As argument, a CommonMenu instance is expected, which in general can be a HstSiteMenu (plain configuration menu) or EditableMenu (a combination of configuration menu + code piece and/or repository documents based). The editting of the menu in CMS channel manager will ONLY show the hst configuration site menu items (thus in case of EditableMenu, the backing HstSiteMenu items)
htmlThis tag can be used to render a Rich Text, Formatted Text or Text field as html. Use the appropriate attribute for each type.
imagevariantThis tag can be used only inside a 'html' tag to indicate that you do not want to use the image variant stored in the HippoHtml (hippostd:content), but that you want to use a different variant. For example, suppose you have imageset variants myproject:websitevariant and myproject:mobilesitevariant. In the HippoHtml, there might have been selected the 'myproject:websitevariant' image variant, but in your mobile channel, you want to use the 'myproject:mobilesitevariant'. You can do this by injecting this 'imagevariant' tag inside the 'html' tag. Also see the example below.
attributeThis tag can be used only inside a 'element' tag to set an attribute for the DOM element created by the containing element tag. The attribute value can be set by the value attribute, but it can be set by the text content of this tag also. If the value attribute of this tag is not set, this tag will look for the body text content to set the value of this attribute. If the value attribute is not set at all, then it will remove the attribute by the name.
elementThis tag can be used to create DOM Element to create head contribution element. If you create a DOM Element via this tag and pass the variable to a headContribution tag, then the headContribution element does not need to parse the text content to create the head contribution DOM element. So, this tag provides an optimized way to create a headContribution element. This tag can contain zero, one or more attribute tags to set attributes. Also, this tag can contain text content to set the text content of the DOM element.
headContributionA HstComponent can contribute HTML HEAD elements to the page aggregation. Because the output of a HstComponent is usually put in the middle of BODY area, it is not recommended to include some javascripts or style definitions in its view page. If the view page uses this headContribution tag including some head element, then the container will include the head element at the final page aggregation phase.
headContributionsAll the HEAD elements contributed by each HstComponent can be accessed only by the root HstComponent. The root HstComponent will be responsible for rendering all the contributed HEAD elements. By inserting this tag, the root HstComponent can render all the contributed HEAD elements.
namespaceBecause there could be multiple HstComponents in a page, it is necessary to separate its namespace from each other during writing some javascript functions or HTML elements. Using this tag, each HstComponent can write unique name for its elements.
defineObjectsNo Description
setWrapperElementA HstComponent can configure a wrapper elements to wrap the rendered content. When the rendered content should be accessed via DOM, the wrapper element could be used. If the view page uses this tag to wrap the rendered content, then the container will wrap the rendered content by the wrapper element.
setBundleLoads a resource bundle and stores it in the named scoped variable or the bundle configuration variable
messagesReplaceThis tag replaces all the variables in the body content by the either current locale context or provided resource bundle.

Function Summary
booleanisReadable( java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)Tests if the property of the bean is a readable one
booleanisNodeType( javax.jcr.Node, java.lang.String)If the bean has a non null backing jcr node, this function tests if the node is of the specified primary node type or mixin type, or a subtype thereof. If the bean is not backed by a jcr provider (node), or the backing jcr node is null, this method returns false.
booleanisBeanType( java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)Determines if the class or interface represented by this content bean object is either the same as, or is a subclass of, the class or interface represented by the specified fully qualified class name parameter. It returns true if so; otherwise it returns false.
StringreplaceMessages( java.lang.String,java.lang.String)Replaces all the variables in the body content by the either current locale context or provided resource bundle basename.
StringreplaceMessagesByBundle( java.util.ResourceBundle,java.lang.String)Replaces all the variables in the body content by the either current locale context or provided resource bundle.

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