Interface AppSettings

public interface AppSettings
JavaBean containing the settings of the Navigation Application. These are the settings that the app needs to bootstrap itself.
  • Method Details

    • getInitialPath

      String getInitialPath()
      Returns the path that the navapp should navigate to after the navapp has been fully initialized.
      initial path
    • isCmsServingNavAppResources

      boolean isCmsServingNavAppResources()
      Returns true if the CMS is serving the Navigation Application resources and false otherwise
      if CMS is serving the navapp resources
    • getNavAppResourceLocation

      URI getNavAppResourceLocation()
      Returns the location of the Navigation Application resources (like javascript, css, images).
      navapp resource location
    • getIframesConnectionTimeout

      int getIframesConnectionTimeout()
      Returns the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for Iframes to connect before giving up.
      Iframe connection timeout in milliseconds
    • getLogLevel

      NgxLoggerLevel getLogLevel()
      Returns the log level to use in the browser
    • isUsageStatisticsEnabled

      boolean isUsageStatisticsEnabled()
      Returns true is usage statistics should be sent and false otherwise.
      if usage statistics is enabled
    • getNavConfigResources

      List<NavAppResource> getNavConfigResources()
      Returns list of resources that must be called by the navapp to retrieve menu related navigation items.
      list of nav config resources
    • getLoginResources

      List<NavAppResource> getLoginResources()
      Returns list of resources that must be called by the navapp to make sure all apps are authenticated before accessing them.
      list of login resources
    • getLogoutResources

      List<NavAppResource> getLogoutResources()
      Returns list of resources that must be called by the navapp to make sure all apps clean up their state and authentication ids (e.g. cookies) before redirecting to the login page again.
      list of logout resources
    • getHelpLinks

      List<NavAppHelpLink> getHelpLinks()
      Returns list of help links that must be displayed by the menu in the navapp.
      list of help links