Package org.hippoecm.frontend.service
package org.hippoecm.frontend.service
ClassDescriptionJavaBean containing the settings of the Navigation Application.IBrowseService<T extends org.apache.wicket.model.IModel>The browser service provides clients (plugins) the means to select a model in "the browser".Icon types (sizes) used.Interface for services that can process request parameters.IEditor<T>Interface that represents an editor for a particular document.Interface to intercept editor lifecycle events.IEditorOpenListener can be registered with an IEditorManager in order to be called back when IEditorManager opens an editor.Opens a popup window for a URL.The service interface that is used to create
hierarchies.The settings service provides plugin access to global settings and factories.Title decorator.Represents a Navigation Application menu help link.Represents a Navigation Application resource.Represents the possible logger levels of the ngx logger service.Wrapper class for IPluginContext that keeps a record of what services and trackers are registered and what clusters are started.ServiceTracker<S extends>Service tracker implementation that is aware of it's class.JavaBean containing the settings of a logged in user.