Interface IRenderService

All Superinterfaces:, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractListingPlugin, AbstractRenderService, BreadcrumbPlugin, BrowserPlugin, CompatibilityWorkflowPlugin, ExpandCollapseListingPlugin, Home, ListRenderService, ListViewPlugin, ListViewService, PanelPluginPerspective, Perspective, RenderPlugin, RenderService, TabsContainerService, TabsPlugin

public interface IRenderService extends
The service interface that is used to create Component hierarchies.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    bind(IRenderService parent, String id)
    Bind the component to the specified id.
    Set focus on the specified child.
    The Wicket Component that is added to the parent.
    Called after user events and JCR events have been handled, but before the rendering has started.
    Releases the component.
  • Method Details

    • getComponent

      org.apache.wicket.Component getComponent()
      The Wicket Component that is added to the parent. The component must have the id that was set with the bind(IRenderService, String) method.
    • render

      void render(PluginRequestTarget target)
      Called after user events and JCR events have been handled, but before the rendering has started. Plugins can register Components with the request target to enlist in the rendering phase.

      Implementations that use extensions must call the same method on those.

    • focus

      void focus(IRenderService child)
      Set focus on the specified child. Implementations should make the child visible when they themselves are visible, or become visible later.
      child - The extension that requests focus. This parameter can be null, in which case the Component should set focus to itself.
    • bind

      void bind(IRenderService parent, String id)
      Bind the component to the specified id. Provides the render service with a reference to the parent render service.
    • unbind

      void unbind()
      Releases the component. Implementations cannot use the parent reference after this method has been invoked.
    • getParentService

      @Deprecated IRenderService getParentService()
      The parent service for this render service.