Class Channel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Channel extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Channel

      public Channel()
      Channel default constructor it is required for REST de/serialization
    • Channel

      public Channel(String id)
      Constructor of a Channel. Should normally only be invoked by the Channel manager implementation to guarantee uniqueness of the id.
      id - the unique ID of this channel
    • Channel

      public Channel(Channel channel)
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      the unique ID of this channel
    • setId

      public void setId(String id) throws IllegalStateException
      Set the unique ID of this channel
    • isChannelSettingsEditable

      public boolean isChannelSettingsEditable()
    • setChannelSettingsEditable

      public void setChannelSettingsEditable(boolean channelSettingsEditable)
    • isConfigurationLocked

      public boolean isConfigurationLocked()
    • setConfigurationLocked

      public void setConfigurationLocked(boolean configurationLocked)
    • getContentRoot

      public String getContentRoot()
    • setContentRoot

      public void setContentRoot(String contentRoot)
    • getHstMountPoint

      public String getHstMountPoint()
    • setHstMountPoint

      public void setHstMountPoint(String hstMountPoint)
    • getHstConfigPath

      public String getHstConfigPath()
    • setHstConfigPath

      public void setHstConfigPath(String hstConfigPath)
    • getName

      public String getName()
      the human-readable name of this channel, or null if this channel does not have a name.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the human-readable name of this channel.
      name - the new name of this channel
    • getUrl

      public String getUrl()
      the fully qualified URL of this channel.
    • setUrl

      public void setUrl(String url)
      url - the fully qualified URL of this channel.
    • getSpaUrl

      public String getSpaUrl()
    • setSpaUrl

      public void setSpaUrl(String spaUrl)
    • setType

      public void setType(String type)
    • getType

      public String getType()
    • isComposerModeEnabled

      public boolean isComposerModeEnabled()
    • setComposerModeEnabled

      public void setComposerModeEnabled(boolean composerModeEnabled)
    • setHostname

      public void setHostname(String hostname)
    • getHostname

      public String getHostname()
    • getHostGroup

      public String getHostGroup()
    • setHostGroup

      public void setHostGroup(String hostGroup)
    • setMountPath

      public void setMountPath(String mountPath)
    • getMountPath

      public String getMountPath()
    • setChannelPath

      public void setChannelPath(String channelPath)
    • getChannelPath

      public String getChannelPath()
    • setProperties

      public void setProperties(Map<String,Object> properties)
    • getProperties

      public Map<String,Object> getProperties()
      Returns the Immutable collection of properties for this Channel.
    • getChannelInfoClassName

      public String getChannelInfoClassName()
    • setChannelInfoClassName

      public void setChannelInfoClassName(String channelInfoClassName)
    • getChannelInfoMixinNames

      public List<String> getChannelInfoMixinNames()
    • setChannelInfoMixinNames

      public void setChannelInfoMixinNames(List<String> channelInfoMixinNames)
    • setMountId

      public void setMountId(String mountId)
    • getMountId

      public String getMountId()
    • setSiteMapId

      public void setSiteMapId(String sitemapId)
    • getSiteMapId

      public String getSiteMapId()
    • getLocale

      public String getLocale()
    • setLocale

      public void setLocale(String locale)
    • getCmsPreviewPrefix

      public String getCmsPreviewPrefix()
    • setCmsPreviewPrefix

      public void setCmsPreviewPrefix(String cmsPreviewPrefix)
    • getContextPath

      public String getContextPath()
    • setContextPath

      public void setContextPath(String contextPath)
    • isPreviewHstConfigExists

      public boolean isPreviewHstConfigExists()
    • setPreviewHstConfigExists

      public void setPreviewHstConfigExists(boolean previewHstConfigExists)
    • isWorkspaceExists

      public boolean isWorkspaceExists()
    • setWorkspaceExists

      public void setWorkspaceExists(boolean workspaceExists)
    • getHasCustomProperties

      public boolean getHasCustomProperties()
    • setHasCustomProperties

      public void setHasCustomProperties(boolean hasCustomProperties)
    • isDeletable

      public boolean isDeletable()
    • setDeletable

      public void setDeletable(boolean deletable)
    • getChangedBySet

      public Set<String> getChangedBySet()
      all *non-system* users that have a lock on the channel or some part of the channel. If no users have a lock, and empty set is returned
    • setChangedBySet

      public void setChangedBySet(Set<String> changedBySet)
      sets all users that have a lock on the channel or some part of the channel
    • getDefaultDevice

      public String getDefaultDevice()
    • getDevices

      public List<String> getDevices()
    • setDefaultDevice

      public void setDefaultDevice(String defaultDevice)
    • setDevices

      public void setDevices(List<String> devices)
    • getViewportMap

      public Map<String,Integer> getViewportMap()
    • setPreview

      public void setPreview(boolean preview)
    • isPreview

      public boolean isPreview()
    • getChannelNodeLockedBy

      public String getChannelNodeLockedBy()
    • setChannelNodeLockedBy

      public void setChannelNodeLockedBy(String channelNodeLockedBy)
    • getLastModifiedBy

      public String getLastModifiedBy()
    • setLastModifiedBy

      public void setLastModifiedBy(String lastModifiedBy)
    • getLockedOn

      public Calendar getLockedOn()
    • setLockedOn

      public void setLockedOn(Calendar lockedOn)
    • getLastModified

      public Calendar getLastModified()
    • setLastModified

      public void setLastModified(Calendar lastModified)
    • getBranchId

      public String getBranchId()
      The id of this branch if this Channel is a branch and null otherwise
    • setBranchId

      public void setBranchId(String branchId)
    • getBranchOf

      public String getBranchOf()
      The getId() of the Channel of which this channel is a branch and null if this channel is not a branch
    • setBranchOf

      public void setBranchOf(String branchOf)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • isExternalPreviewEnabled

      public boolean isExternalPreviewEnabled()
    • setExternalPreviewEnabled

      public void setExternalPreviewEnabled(boolean externalPreviewEnabled)
    • getExternalPreviewToken

      public String getExternalPreviewToken()
    • setExternalPreviewToken

      public void setExternalPreviewToken(String externalPreviewToken)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object other)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object