Interface LockResource

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LockResource extends AutoCloseable

The returned auto closeable object in case LockManager.lock(String) succeeds. A LockResource object can be shared across threads and is thread-safe

  • Method Details

    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
      true if this LockResource has been closed
    • close

      void close()
      Close the LockResource and unlocks (removes) the lock.

      Note: unlike LockManager.unlock(String) this may be invoked by another thread, allowing delegation of unlocking the lock to another thread

      Warning: while the LockResource may be closed by another thread, the lock itself remains tied to the thread creating it!
      Therefore the thread creating the lock must NOT be terminated before the other thread completes the process requiring the lock, as the lock then may expire prematurely!

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • getLock

      Lock getLock()
      the Lock for ths LockResource
    • isNewLock

      boolean isNewLock()
      true if this getLock() was created together with this LockResource instance; false if this getLock() already was created earlier by the same thread creating this LockResource.
    • getHolder

      Thread getHolder()
      the Thread that holds this LockResource or null in case the Thread that created this lock has already stopped and been GC-ed